A director's request...

Obviously this week there have been some pretty important auditions but I don’t want to concentrate on those in this week’s blog…I want to focus on something much more universal for the Youth Theatre.  In 2 weeks time over 110 performers will be doing their tech rehearsal at the Phoenix Theatre in preparation for the Christmas shows…so I thought give you some top tips for how to help yourselves and as an incidental happy thing also help your director over the next fortnight…

1.  Make sure you are utterly secure on your lines, not just that you know them but that you are so sure that no matter what curve ball you are hit with you know how to rescue the scene because you know the lines, the scenes and the play inside out and back to front…this is the way to becoming your directors favourite person in the world…this involves time and effort and should be done out loud, learning lines in your head doesn’t get it done…

2.  Make sure you understand what every line you say or is said to you means, why it is said and in the case of your lines who it is said to…spend some time analysing your script, thinking what it says about your character and the situation…there is still time at this point to check anything you’re not sure about with your director…this won’t be the case once we get to Sunday the 4th…again there’s a little bit of time and effort involved but a couple of hours over the next week or so could make all the difference…also ensure you know what the important words are in each sentence so your intonation is clear…

3.  Try and problem solve for yourself – whether that be prop or costume related or getting to places or prioritizing or whatever…if you try and can’t solve it we are more than happy to help but effort on your part is always appreciated

4.  Sell tickets for the shows…we can only afford to go to the Phoenix every year if we sell tickets…if everyone in the show sold 5 tickets each we would sell out…simple as that…see if you can reach that target…

The result of following those four points is simple, a brilliant performance and a lovely time devoid of unnecessary stress…so really it should be a no brainer…look forward to seeing the results!


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