Tom Osborne blogs about his experience of the Summer at Yew Tree

Well then my second blog and its all about the great time I’ve had at Yew Tree this summer. It started with a brilliant play in a day for youth theatre members aged 11 to 14 with Gemma. The play was King Arthur which is right up my street as I love swords and battles. To my delight I even got to have a fight with real swords against Chris.( I’m still not sure why they trusted me) You can see the photos of this day on the ytyt facebook page.
However I’m lucky enough to have done a second play in a day again with Gemma this time doing, “Where the Wild Things Are,” with 7 – 11 year olds. Again I really enjoyed it because it’s nice to not always do long more complicated plays and do something a bit less tricky. I loved listening to the wonders of seven year old’s imagination.
Another thing I noticed is how different people from Yew Tree look from less experienced actors. People like Chris Marsay already knew exactly where to go or what to do before Gemma had even opened her mouth. Whereas people with little or no experience have to be guided a bit more, yet It was nice to see some brand new faces that I hope join Yew Tree
I’ve always loved play in a days and these two certainly didn’t let me down


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