Cheers team...

I have just got back from a brilliant week at Warwick University spent in the company of 11 excellent people. My task over the week was to teach them as much as I could about directing youth theatre and in doing my very best to achieve this I learnt so much myself…

The learning came from a number of different strands of the course I was teaching…partly it was through reflecting on my own practice - by talking about what I do it allowed me to think about the things I take for granted…concerns about making sure that youth theatre is about balance, about journeys, about dialogue, about individuals and most importantly about a culture that has the creative and emotional wellbeing of all at it’s centre…making all that is implicit to Yew Tree explicit I was made aware of what my priorities as a Youth Theatre director are and need to be…

Another source of learning came from watching the group over the week as they became a company through the games and techniques and reflection that we take for granted at Yew Tree. It was almost magical watching 11 disparate people of different ages, experience and backgrounds become a united entity that supported and encouraged each other and within which there were achievements, connections and friendships that will far outlast this week…

Still more learning came to me from the people on the course, all of whom were generous with their views and opinion and willingness to engage fully with the course…together we made discoveries and debated issues and together we put the concerns of our actors as paramount and strove to find ways to develop and support them…

How does this concern you, the members of Yew Tree? Because without you I wouldn’t have been able to teach the course in the first place…without you I wouldn’t have had the journey I have had and wouldn’t know what I know…so hurray for you…and much as I loved last week I’m so glad to be back and can’t wait to get back to directing you so if I don’t see you this week at the Impro day or the Shakespeare day or at Black or writers…I’ll see you very soon…keep safe til then…


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