I asked for a blog this week that perhaps took a wider perspective as there hasn't been much activity and Ashleigh has written something very lovely in answer to that request...
Hi team, this blog isn’t about a certain session I have attended recently but about my Yew Tree experience so far, maybe a little self indulgent but anyway…
I have been a member of Yew Tree for over 3 years now, and I cannot put in to words how amazing it is. The people and experiences I’ve had have shaped me as a person and inspired me to act. All my life I have been picking up a hobby and dropping it within a year, acting has always been something I’ve enjoyed but without Yew Tree I know academic drama would have beaten my love for it out of me.
My first Connections was what really improved my confidence, ‘The Heights’ was a fantastic opportunity for me and getting to perform at the West Yorkshire Playhouse was just wow! I learned so much in the rehearsal process and my love for acting grew.
The most scared I have ever been before performing has to have been when I was Eleanor in ‘Beauty and the Beast’. I’m still shocked I remembered all those lines and so grateful I was given the opportunity to play a character as demanding as she was. It was a challenge that really pushed me but it has inspired me take on larger roles; now I know I can learn and remember the lines. I had always felt welcome but that is when I knew I belonged at Yew Tree, when Sarah calls us actors that’s what we are and that’s what we constantly prove to her we can be.
The commissioned pieces I have been a part of for the Miner’s memorial service and the Hepworth opening, give us a chance to do something with Yew Tree outside of the youth theatre. They teach us more about what is or has been going on around us. We are educated through our art which is something so many teachers and companies strive to achieve. I feel Yew Tree does this effortlessly because we all care enough to volunteer if we have time or spend that half an hour you would have spent watching TV to go and research what we have been asked to be a part of. The things a teacher would have to tell you to do, we do without being told.
Work Experience with Yew Tree really made me appreciate what goes on behind the scenes of performances and the company itself. I also got to see the work Yew Tree Art Ltd does. The amount of work Yew Tree has to do alongside the million youth theatre productions is immense. This all made me appreciate Yew Tree even more.
Recently I have had some time off due to the most awful college in the history of time, but I’m back and I plan to make the most of the time I have left with Yew Tree. I’ve been a part of Gold and Sapphire companies, and joined Black not long ago. I appreciate Yew Tree and the work it does so much and am honoured to feel a part of such a (insert word that mean better than amazing) company. Thank you everyone who I have ever had the pleasure to work with especially Sarah and Danny, you’re all fantastic!
Hi team, this blog isn’t about a certain session I have attended recently but about my Yew Tree experience so far, maybe a little self indulgent but anyway…
I have been a member of Yew Tree for over 3 years now, and I cannot put in to words how amazing it is. The people and experiences I’ve had have shaped me as a person and inspired me to act. All my life I have been picking up a hobby and dropping it within a year, acting has always been something I’ve enjoyed but without Yew Tree I know academic drama would have beaten my love for it out of me.
My first Connections was what really improved my confidence, ‘The Heights’ was a fantastic opportunity for me and getting to perform at the West Yorkshire Playhouse was just wow! I learned so much in the rehearsal process and my love for acting grew.
The most scared I have ever been before performing has to have been when I was Eleanor in ‘Beauty and the Beast’. I’m still shocked I remembered all those lines and so grateful I was given the opportunity to play a character as demanding as she was. It was a challenge that really pushed me but it has inspired me take on larger roles; now I know I can learn and remember the lines. I had always felt welcome but that is when I knew I belonged at Yew Tree, when Sarah calls us actors that’s what we are and that’s what we constantly prove to her we can be.
The commissioned pieces I have been a part of for the Miner’s memorial service and the Hepworth opening, give us a chance to do something with Yew Tree outside of the youth theatre. They teach us more about what is or has been going on around us. We are educated through our art which is something so many teachers and companies strive to achieve. I feel Yew Tree does this effortlessly because we all care enough to volunteer if we have time or spend that half an hour you would have spent watching TV to go and research what we have been asked to be a part of. The things a teacher would have to tell you to do, we do without being told.
Work Experience with Yew Tree really made me appreciate what goes on behind the scenes of performances and the company itself. I also got to see the work Yew Tree Art Ltd does. The amount of work Yew Tree has to do alongside the million youth theatre productions is immense. This all made me appreciate Yew Tree even more.
Recently I have had some time off due to the most awful college in the history of time, but I’m back and I plan to make the most of the time I have left with Yew Tree. I’ve been a part of Gold and Sapphire companies, and joined Black not long ago. I appreciate Yew Tree and the work it does so much and am honoured to feel a part of such a (insert word that mean better than amazing) company. Thank you everyone who I have ever had the pleasure to work with especially Sarah and Danny, you’re all fantastic!
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