Taking a moment...

It’s been a ridiculously busy week this week…in addition to the usual sessions Black Company visited the playhouse and in return were visited by Rich from Invisible Flock, we’ve cast the Nostell play, we’re in final rehearsals for Imoves and the Classics festival and there were birthday celebrations thrown in there too. It’s difficult at times to take a breath and look at the things you’re getting out of all this activity when you’re being bombarded by so many diverse experiences but it’s so very important that every now and again you do…

Over the last 3 or 4 days I’ve suddenly looked at a number of the youth theatre and had to catch my breath…from people I’ve known for years to those just starting their journey with us in relative terms, to those that have moved on (but thankfully still maintain a connection)…the sheer scale of their development of growth both as performers and as people is the most inspiring thing…and then I get that wonderful feeling that Yew Tree had a little bit to do with that and it’s simply brilliant…So yeah…nothing terribly informative in this blog just a request that occasionally you take a look at the people you’re working with and notice their greatness…not in a facebook “You’re so awesome guys I love you all,” kind of a way but in a genuine recognition of the people that they are becoming…the people that they are…the richness of the company that you are part of…that’s a nice thing to do I reckon…so you know…enjoy it…

PS There’s always room for more greatness of course, so if you haven’t already please will you read last weeks blog about preparing for Classics and follow it’s advice…ooh and learn your lines too…cheers team…


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