Bobbie has sent in a fab blog that will catch you up on all things green company...
Oh the joy of a full day rehearsal!
With having only three weeks until we performed 'Children's extrusion, platform no .5' Danny decided that we should do a full day rehearsal, in the holidays. And that we did. We started with the normal, Yew-Tree things, best and worst and then a few games to get us to concentrate and then went straight into the Drama!
There was a few scene's that, try as we might, we could never get to how we would like, so Sarah came to help us out, and within an hour and a half, we had gotten two scenes to, as near to perfection as we possibly could, the picnic scene and the train scene, with the amazing Amy, there, reading in the lines of those who couldn't make it there.
After that, we went through the rest of the play, making sure that it was as good as they could be too. Poor Amy, having to read 2 characters in most scenes, running from one side of the room to the other, trying to be everywhere she was needed.
We did as best we could, and worked out witch scenes that needed to be concentrated on now, to get them up to the standard of the rest of the play.
With two weeks left now, and then a quick rehearsal left on the actual day (22nd of June if you are wondering) we are really starting to knuckle down and making everything the best we could possibly do.
We would love it if anyone could come a support us,
Bobbie-Leigh, From Green xx
Oh the joy of a full day rehearsal!
With having only three weeks until we performed 'Children's extrusion, platform no .5' Danny decided that we should do a full day rehearsal, in the holidays. And that we did. We started with the normal, Yew-Tree things, best and worst and then a few games to get us to concentrate and then went straight into the Drama!
There was a few scene's that, try as we might, we could never get to how we would like, so Sarah came to help us out, and within an hour and a half, we had gotten two scenes to, as near to perfection as we possibly could, the picnic scene and the train scene, with the amazing Amy, there, reading in the lines of those who couldn't make it there.
After that, we went through the rest of the play, making sure that it was as good as they could be too. Poor Amy, having to read 2 characters in most scenes, running from one side of the room to the other, trying to be everywhere she was needed.
We did as best we could, and worked out witch scenes that needed to be concentrated on now, to get them up to the standard of the rest of the play.
With two weeks left now, and then a quick rehearsal left on the actual day (22nd of June if you are wondering) we are really starting to knuckle down and making everything the best we could possibly do.
We would love it if anyone could come a support us,
Bobbie-Leigh, From Green xx
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