Lucy T blogs about Imoves

Right, I've only just woken up, so I'm sat here with a coffee and my laptop trying to figure out the age old dilemma... how to start a blog.
... and apparently, that's how.

Saturday saw Yew Tree embark on a horrendously quick walk into town. And I must say I'm glad I was part of it, because if I'd have been on the otehr side, walking towards such a huge group of young people dressed completely in black I'd have run a mile. Why were we walking (tooooo quickly) into town? Because we were only part of the IMoves Festival.
I think it's safe to say we didn't have a lot of rehearsal time, (I'm pretty sure Cassidy worked it out as being no more than 2 hours...) but some how we managed to pull it off. I should probably say what we managed to pull off, I'm aware I'm being pretty vague about everything... Just a bit of physical theatre in the centre of Wakefield.
It was daunting, being in the middle of town, performing to people who hadn't come to watch us out of choice, it being purely by chance that they were walking through and happened to stay and watch us. But saying that I think the majority of the audience enjoyed it. And according to Danny we even brought more audience in, which is nice.

Physical theatre is rapidly becoming my favourite thing, so it makes me very very happy that we seem to be doing more and more of it.

Classics is next week, should be good. So if you don't have a ticket booked, get's only £5 for the whole festival. Especially if you go to Yew Tree, I mean it's free then, what reason could you have not to?

So yeah, IMoves was fun.
Classics will be fun.
And everything else Yew Tree related that's coming up will be equally as fun.


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