Thomas McNulty has blogged about our Sandal Castle project

So this week has been all about Yew Tree related things and all of them packed into one week…Yes it’s the summer schools my friends…But this one isn’t your Nostell Priory week, this week has been all about working on a commissioned piece of theatre about the Battle of Wakefield for an anniversary festival this September to commemorate Sandal Castle and the battle that took place in December 1460…You can see where the dates connect right?…But anyway so far into the week and all the hard work everyone has put forward means we have our finished prologue after working on a physical based opening, a series of scripted scenes in development and creative writing done on Tuesday from our casts imaginations that have inspired Sarah to write and have a full battle scene…Oh yeah! There’s a battle scene people!

So this is where we are at for the moment with the project and we should have more done by the end of Friday’s rehearsal before going into three Saturday rehearsal’s before the performance…However one of the wonderful things about this week has been how the cast, comprised of different ages and groups, have come together very well and worked so well too in creating the fight scenes and scripted work for the project…Particularly because all of their experience and ideas has come forth in such a way that everything can be taken into account…Making the process broader and more exciting.

Today the cast was treated with a little trip down to Sandal Castle so we could all check out the sites, learn a bit more about what it was we were undertaking and also rehearse a few scenes in one of the chosen locations on the site…Which looks brilliant in my opinion, having the castle in the background behind us as we perform…Although my favourite highlight of the day while visiting the castle was having a battle charge from opposite sides of the field, in a full cry of screams before then meeting in the middle to perform the battle scene…It’s quite a sight as Sarah likes to put it.

So that’s all for now Yew Tree…Keeping you up to date with all that’s going on in the project…Pretty sure more will be coming as soon as…Although I’d just say why not come to Sandal Castle on Sunday 19th September and see the finished product for yourselves like.

But anyway…Cheerio


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