Rob blogged on yesterdays day at the Hepworth...

So Yesterday Yew Tree Youth Theatre had the great pleasure of spending a day at the Hepworth performing, filming and participating in the activities. When I say pleasure it’s a complete understatement, it was utterly exciting, fantastic, fun and just generally brilliant.

I feel I should talk about the Hepworth first before I tell you what we got up to because I have so much love for the Hepworth. It’s such an amazing place in what I feel is an age of moaning, groaning recession and blame. It’s like a sanctuary for creativity and for people of all ages to appreciate the things that go un-noticed in life, every time I enter it reaffirms what art can do for humanity. Apart from the incredible things that fill the spaces of the Hepworth the thing that makes it fantastic are the people that work there, they are knowledgeable, engaging and welcoming. All the factors make the Hepworth somewhere you want to go time after time.

So let me tell you a bit about what Yew Tree did...We were given 20 minute slots every hour to show people the kind of thing Yew Tree does in our devising and workshop process. We did what felt like hundreds of activities from passing the energy round the circle, peeling from one end of the gallery to another, continues images and much, much more.

From a participants perspective it was an incredible process, peeling for example is when everyone in the group heads in one direction as a line, however you can only move to the front of the line if you’re at the back (I hope I explained this as best as I could)...The point though isn’t about what the task was because being in such a large space like the Hepworth brought a new element to all our work, the audience that were viewing our work had a entirely different perspective. When we use peeling it is usually to represent something in a play or has some sort of purpose to the storyline however in the Hepworth it was completely open to a wider interpretation. This for some people could have meant absolutely nothing but it changed the dynamic of how everyone created there shapes, moved and interacted within the process, it was quite fascinating.

Apart from the fact The Hepworth brought a new angle to the way Yew Tree works it was a stupidly giddy and exciting day. It gave us all the opportunity to experiment with our work in a space we wouldn’t usually have the pleasure of working in, and let me tell you when something like this happens with Yew Tree the stock emotions are loud laughter, tensing bodies and YESSSSSSSS!

I am really looking forward for the development of the Hepworth and the bragging rights I have now inherited due to the fact I was born in Wakefield. The thing that makes the Hepworth brilliant (and I am aware I have used brilliant far too much in this blog) is the fact it has the same ethos as Yew Tree, its enriching, liberating, inspiring and innovating. I had such an enjoyable day and this down to the brilliant Sarah Osborne, Sir Daniel Bell and The Hepworth.

Cheers Guys!

R-Bargi, Roberto Carlos, Girgizzle, Roberto Girgito or just Rob Girgis signing off...


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