
It occurred to me after Thursday’s thoroughly enjoyable Black Company session that an integral part of my job is to inspire people…inspire them to make theatre, to create stories, to take risks, to improve their skills, to have the stamina to rehearse, to go through that scene or moment yet another time so we can get it just right…and sometimes people need inspiring just to be able to join in with whatever is happening…so…after panicking about that for a while and then thinking about how weird it was as a choice of occupation I started thinking about it in practical terms…

There is a myth that to be inspiring or inspired you have to be spontaneous, original, daring, dynamic…although undoubtedly those types of environments can create inspiration…however on Thursday as is as often the case the pieces were inspired by thoughtfulness and careful planning, some time set aside to think about what I wanted to get out of the evening and what I wanted other people to get out of it.

After creating a plan, which I hoped would begin the process of inspiration I was then reliant on the youth theatre to pick up the baton of stimulation tapping into their childhood…their toys, games and valued objects of yesteryear…and they did with uncertainty at first and then gathering momentum until all three groups had created pieces of theatre that engaged, entertained and at times amused, all for a variety of different reasons…and taking the form of entirely different genre’s of performance…

After Thursdays session and then spending the day improvising at the Hepworth today it quickly becomes clear that inspiration is to be found in all sorts of places and takes all sorts of forms...the important thing is not to be afraid to seek it out or be open to it when it appears…regardless of how unlikely the manifestation…


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