Sarah's Streamofconsciousness blog...

If last week was the vacuous blog this week I’m going for the stream of consciousness blog…so get ready for stupidly long sentences…and I’m doing that because I want to get on with writing the 12 Dancing Princesses script (see the Yew Facebook page for the title debate for this)

So this is what I wanted to document…as a writer one of the biggest challenges you have, is finding something you want to write about and that need to and want to write about whatever it is, has to be strong enough to justify not doing all the other practical real life things you should be doing and strong enough to overcome the paranoia of putting the finished piece out in public to be judged…and don’t be mistaken that’s how it feels…you spend solitary hours creating something you like and then you have to put it in front of people to read or to watch and each time you do that…as in with each individual it’s like waiting for that axe to fall as the reader or audience member experiences it from their perspective and inevitably makes a judgement. Then the paranoid artist in me has to decide if their positive reaction is because they want me to be happy, kind to them, not get cross or because they genuinely like it or if it’s a negative reaction whether I’m prepared to live with that or do I change it and if I change it does that compromise something or enhance it.

However after a morning like this morning being a writer is a wonderful thing because I have so much to write about…and what’s even lovelier is that I had loads to write after Sapphire company’s session and loads after Black…the only issue is keeping up with the devising and making sure the stories are all different enough…also if we’re adding up the good stuff there’s something shared about this process of writing that stops the paranoia and diminishes the fear of judgement…the inspiration is shared and the ongoing progress is shared…so hurray…and in case you hadn’t guessed once I’ve finished the weekly house clean this weekend I shall be mainly writing…


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