It's all about the culture...

This week, this happy, successful week…full of such good news…
has caused me to reflect on many things. For the purpose of this blog I’m going to document two of the reflections that have stood out to me…and although the reason for them standing out hasn’t been youth theatre related the thought process they inspired bounced me straight back to reflecting on all thing YTYT…

The first point of reflection is a whole thing about comfort zones…I was at a high school on Wednesday doing some work with year 10’s. The work was very much in the spirit of the stuff we do week, in week out, but for 99% of the workshop participants (there was a notable exception) it was very, very new…never the less they engaged…some people readily others with greater reticence…but regardless of the degree they all engaged in some way. The staff talked about how impressed they were that people were working outside of their comfort zones and this made me think about the fact that Youth Theatre members…or at least the majority of them are doing this all the time…this in turn must be having an impact in wider terms…the fact that they are stretching this all the time to some extent…that they’re brave and trusting enough to push themselves…it’s a brilliant thing…

The second reflection trigger occurred in a primary school where in the process of pulling together a performance with 11 year olds there was a great deal of squabbling, unkind words and even tears… The whole thing made me feel genuinely sad…I can not handle wanton unkindness…makes me long for the human race to be simply better people…what dragged me out of this sadness…and it was important that I did get dragged out of it…as who wants to be miserable on your birthday…was the realisation that for the majority of youth theatre sessions we’ve created a part of the world where that kind of behaviour isn’t tolerated…a culture of positivity and kindness. Don’t get me wrong I know we’re not perfect and things go wrong and that I don’t see everything…the important thing is I think that we are trying and most of the time it’s working and even better than all of that is that we have the ambition to get even better…


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