Hannah was work experience this week which means she gets "volunteered for the blog..."

Firstly, before I go and babble on for a while… Yew Tree is BRILLIANT. Everyone knew that anyway, but I thought I’d best say it.

Well it’s been a busy week of work experience, and if I’m as tired as I am after 5 days, I can’t imagine how tired everyone who works for Yew Tree must be on a regular basis. Tiredness done with, I’ve absolutely loved every minute… well saying I loved mopping Sarah Thomas dance school after it flooded is a lie, because mopping isn’t that fun. But it was brilliant to see how quick Yew Tree pulled together a little army of moppers to help clear up.

I’ve seen sooo many different sides of Yew Tree this week, there’s loads of stuff that Yew Tree do that not everyone’s aware of, it’s mental. I’ve been to 2 ‘You will go far’ workshops, and they were both so different, but so interesting, and I found myself singing along to the music in the performance, although shouting teachers does occasionally put a little downer on things. I had a little trip to the Galpharm Stadium too, for a presentation evening, for a scheme that sports clubs do to encourage learning and achievement, and where Yew Tree run drama workshops. Oh and a bit of filming at Horbury Bridge… where the children are English geniuses, I mean what 9 year old would describe someone’s walk as ‘nonchalant’. I really wish my primary school had done ‘Big writing’ but then again I didn’t even have a teacher in year 6…

I loved seeing all the different sessions, but I definitely can’t handle the Ruby company. They are all insane … in the nicest possible way. I hadn’t realised the mammoth amount of energy and enthusiasm that is needed to make people listen and to make a session run smoothly, won’t be taking that for granted anymore. Yew Tree people are all brilliant. I don’t think I would have made it through Friday without Eric the Elephant sweets, because I was in the mood for a quick nap, which wasn’t an option. But the performance of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ was definitely the perfect way to end my week of work experience. I could have watched a lot more without getting bored because it was just soooo cute… and now I keep reciting it to myself.

So anyway, I reckon that’s enough of me rambling on, so I’m going to stop now, before I start talking about irrelevant things. But work experience has been faaantastic, don’t know why it’s taken me so long to do some. Could happily do some more. But I think I’m going to go to bed now, so I don’t look like a dead person on Saturday morning. Niiight.


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