Thursday night was brilliant...
Thursday night was brilliant because I got to hear Alien for the first time. For those of you that don’t know what Alien is, it’s the play I’ve written that the Black Company will perform at Nostell Priory. The story line is simplistic – An alien lands on Earth and meets people at Nostell Priory…so it’s not going to tax peoples narrative understanding…like many of the Nostell Priory plays and there’s a few of them now…it’s the characters that matter…what they learn about themselves and each other through the course of the play…and it’s the characters that create the entertainment. However back to the reason why Thursday was brilliant…there’s nothing better than being there as a cast respond to what you’ve written for the first time…obviously as long as that response is positive which it was on Thursday. I don’t know about other writers but when I write plays the characters and situation takes up such a large part of my head until the play is complete…I know the characters so much mo...