Guest blogger is Jess Hopwood...thank you for managing to do it on such a busy weekend...

Yew Tree is aaaabsolutely brilliant. I knew this already, but the past week I’ve spent doing work experience with the company has fully made me appreciate the effort, energy and massive amount of thought that goes into running the youth theatre. 2 things really stand out to me when reflecting back on the week: energy and inspiration. Let’s elaborate...

Energy. It was everywhere! And I’m not just talking about the canned form of it Danny is rarely seen without. I was sometimes shadowing the same youth theatre leader from 10am until 7.30pm; it was crazy seeing how they coped, and coped brilliantly, with their schedule. I’m not gonna lie, I was completely shattered by the end of one day, so the youth theatre leaders must be superhuman. No, I joke. I’ll let you into a cheeky secret, they’re just human. But on a serious note, to consistently run several companies in a week, often several companies in one day, takes a mighty lot of stamina. This sparked two thoughts-

1) It made me think back to all the sessions where I’ve been tired and had no energy and it was almost frustrating knowing that they were giving the sessions their all (completely manning up and ignoring their tiredness) and i was probably being uncooperative and unknowingly difficult. I would like to say never again.. but here’s to hoping :)
2) It really inspired me, when I was helping lead some of the workshops, to put my full potential into everything I was doing.
Which brings me nicely onto my last thought: inspiration. I have been so utterly inspired by everything I’ve seen this week at yew tree, from the youth theatre leaders’ non-stop enthusiasm, to watching groups take on direction attentively and follow it up with top-notch performances (as they rehearsed in their final week before the Shakespeare festival, ooh) and even seeing how much Yew Tree has developed and grown since last year (yeah, i even did work experience last year, that’s how much i loved it).

So, thank you for a really enjoyable week. I’m going to refer you back to my first sentence. Currently half way through the Shakespeare festival, and after a lovely day of sunshine and performances, I think I’ll go to bed now. Nanight.


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