Callum Trout with a brilliant overview of the week

So here I am to do another blog. This week at Yew Tree is yet again the perfect title for the blog because it’s been a pretty busy week. Well it has for me anyway.

I’ll start the week with Monday as is customary when you’re starting a week. This week the Sapphire Company started working on the devising for their Christmas show “The Princess and the Pea”. I was eager to see what comic genius they’d come up with and I wasn’t disappointed. Sapphire never fail to astound me on their talent, comic timing and wit and had me rolling on the floor laughing in no time.

Then we’ll skip a day because Tuesday is my day of none Yew Tree related activities and move on to Wednesday. And we find ourselves at the writer’s forum. The writer’s have spent the last few weeks working on sketch comedy, something I might add they aren’t all overly keen on. It never stops them from giving it a go and after “sorry bows” reading out some amazing pieces of work.

On to Thursday which was a right long haul but a good long haul. We started at 1 to do a physical theatre piece to be performed at the Hepworth and it couldn’t have gone better. Everything seemed to fall into place without any forcing it. Then onto the Black Company Shakespeare marathon the Black Company shone through. Working relentlessly on scene after scene from 4 till 9 o’clock which seems to breeze by when your there. This Shakespeare project has been a particularly big time for me because its when I’ve finally started enjoying Shakespeare. Particularly with Macbeth, which is probably one of the most enjoyable processes I’ve ever done for a part.

Next we’ll go on to Friday which for me means me and Proctobot assisting Sarah run the drama sessions at West Yorkshire Theatre Dance School. At the moment all the groups have things to be doing. Which you know is great but makes it all a bit of a whirlpool, given that there are four groups and some are in different rooms to others. The first group is the oldest who are doing a harrowing (non-ridiculously-Scottish) rendition of, "Blackout," an old connections play we saw when we had our trip down Kendal way, the next is our littlest group who a hilarious and jovial version of, "We’re Going on a Bear Hunt," then the second oldest (see how it’s confusing?) group doing a beautiful remake of the Carol Ann Duffy short story “Invisible” and finally the last group of the day is the second youngest who do a hugely enjoyable play based on the book “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance”. Last but by no means least was gold company run by solo Danny Bell today. It was my ideal session. Lots of running about and team building stuff (not that we really need to do much team building at Gold Company) followed by rehearsals for the ever looming Hepworth Gallery performance. And what a rehearsal it was lots of laugh and thoughts to be had by all, also not to be forgotten my long limbed team dominating at the chair game getting a massive 3 and 0... AAAAAANNNNDDDDDD BREEEEAAAATTTTTHHHHH!!!!! Tired now. Think I’m gonna go have a nap.


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