
There are a myriad of things I could write about after this week…but I’ve chosen this one…

Today I listened to a vast number of people tell me how good you are…and they didn’t just tell me in throw away or polite terms…they told me it in such excited tones of voice and earnest expressions, it was like they really needed me to hear it and what’s more believe it…

I listened partly feeling proud and partly feeling amused at their incredulity as words such as,” Professional,” and phrases such as, “The most disciplined and enthusiastic young people I’ve ever seen,” were used because my first reaction to that is of course you are…why would they think you wouldn’t be.

So this made me think about the fact that my expectations of you are consistently high and I know sometimes that means that things can feel tough but today there was a clear example of the rewards that are reaped because regardless of the words of others you all have so much to be proud of…you’ve achieved so much and can justifiably bask in the glory of your success…success made poignant by the fact that for some of you your days with us are drawing to a close…when I think of how far you’ve all come a sentimental person would get quite emotional…good thing I’m not sentimental…

So bask away lovely youth theatre…until tomorrow, or the next time we meet, when I’ll have a whole set of new expectations for you to meet…


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