Marvelous Micheal Brown this week with a blog that made me smile more than once

I've got to love Mondays. Because that’s the day I go to my Yew Tree group! Every single Monday morning I wake up an and think to myself, "Ugh, the weekends over, school today. But oh wait! I've got Yew Tree tonight!" That’s really the main thing that gets me through the challenges of Monday and when you finally arrive at Yew Tree there is never a dull moment! After laughing at the stories of best and worst of the week (which is personally one of my favourite bits) we always play an amazing game to get the ball rolling. After that...we do some thing else. This week we did clowning, which was utterly hilarious! The idea was to act like we really wanted to sit in a chair; we were paired up and came up with short clown sketches of two people wanting to sit on a chair. Everyone loved it! And Matt and Jake's; rock, paper, sit on the chair anyway! Timeless.

If you were to stop reading my blog now I wouldn’t blame you, but of course this is my
FIRST EVER blog so don’t be too hard on me.

And then there’s Gold Company. I only became a member off that a week before Christmas and its great. There are so many talented actors are they are all such nice people. Last week at Gold Company we were given a script with just four lines and our challenge was to come up with a story for the four lines, which we could act out to the rest of the group. It was astonishing how many possibilities there were to how you could act out these four lines. It was a great way to improve our creative skills. Then we had to come with an incredibly detailed background for the story. Which was A LOT harder than it sounds, but it was still a lot of fun.

I love Yew Tree and even if a person didn’t really like drama or acting I’d still recommend it! I cant really put how much I like coming to Yew Tree into words. Actually that is how much I like coming to Yew Tree.


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