Aaron has the first guest blog slot of the year with a brilliant review of 2009...if you were nice people you would add to his memories by commenting on here or the forum blog thread or the link on facebook...he's written 5 blogs... a comment or two from the rest of the Youth Theatre isn't too much to ask...that's all I'm saying...

Well it’s me again. I hope that everyone has had a brilliant Christmas and a great New Year celebration of some form. So the first blog of the year, first blog of the decade even. I thought it might be nice to go over some of my fond Yew Tree memories of 2009 (sorry if you aren’t in them.)

The amount of productions that I’ve been in with Yew Tree in the space of a year is fairly amazing in my opinion, as to how a group of people are able to work together so well and how much we have gotten done with no arguments. This was the year that we performed our connections piece ‘The Heights’ at different venues around Wakefield and at the West Yorkshire Playhouse and how everyone was so nervous but how everyone couldn’t wait to do a brilliant performance and everyone did because we’re a brilliant group of people (and spice quarter afterwards was outstanding.) It was the year where we performed celebrity in Nostell priory; in my opinion it’s my favourite out of the Nostell performances I’ve been in. I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard before then, especially thanks to Rob Girgis introducing ‘THATS OUT’ to us all, I don’t think 2 words have ever given me more joy.

In this last year I started to help out Gemma and Callum with the Normanton group. Also in this year we performed our physical theatre performance in a dilapidated hospital, where we were told we shouldn’t jump because the building wasn’t quite as stable as it used to, one of the scarier performances I’ve been in. We also took the performance to York and did workshops that were, in a phrase I like to call, ‘less than Osborne’ but we still had a great time doing it. It was the year I was absolutely devastated that I had to miss Open Mic Night 4 and 15 minute Hamlet. Even though I was going to Australia to see friends I was still mortified that I couldn’t be a part of those 2. And how we ended the year with our Christmas performances, watching Snow White and Beauty and the Beast thinking these are brilliant, because they absolutely were, and being in A Christmas Carol and The Musicians with the gold and black companies. They were both fantastic pieces to be in.

I have so many great memories of the last year with Yew Tree as I do the year before that and the year before that and I cannot wait for what this next year will bring. Already I’m looking forward to Open Mic Night 5 (stay tuned for that, I’m working on some stuff), Kendal and performing yet another brilliant play picked by Sarah and just going back to Yew Tree to do more Yew Tree stuff. So yeah I’m done for now, I hope this year brings you loads of good things and stuff like that. Happy New Year people!


  1. Thats OUUUUUUUUUUUUT! Thank you for the mention Aaron, its so easy to forget things that have happened amoung the many events Yew Tree, nice blog....


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