India has returned inspired by my beautiful book of blogs with an insight into the first black company rehearsal of the year

Okay, so I volunteered to write this week’s blog after being inspired by the previous week’s bloggers but I really don’t know where to start. I apologise in advance if it turns out to be just rambling garbage! This isn’t my first blog but last time I cheated and copied a diary entry so this time I want to do it properly, so it could be called my first. Feel my self rambling now because I can’t really think of anything half as good to put as previous blogs have been on what to talk about… then, like a guardian angel… Aaron the master of guest blogging popped up on Facebook chat and I asked him for a few tips on what to write about, he suggested that I write like I was telling someone about what I think of the initial ideas for the new project, like a drama logbook, so that’s what I’m going to do :)
Today at Yew Tree we started with the classic best and worst and then went on to playing games, but we were also told to sort of take a step back (mentally) and observe how we played them and how people reacted and that sort of stufffff. Firstly we played contracts, always fun :). Then the keys game- again, always fun :) and then giants, wizards and dwarfs which I’m personally not so keen on. I didn’t really understand why until discussion time when I realised it’s because I’m scared of getting caught and confused and loosing, which I’m not afraid to admit…
Annnd thennn we played this story-telling-lying game where you’re in groups of 4 or 5 and each of you tell one another a story about a particular topic, this time it was snow. You choose the one you think could have been told by anyone in your group and then recite it to everyone else and they have to guess who’s story it actually was, gerrit?! Well, this was very interesting. I was rubbish. When trying to fool everyone into believing it was my story I started rambling on and on and cracked under the pressure.

Then it came to discussion time. Discussion time is always brilliant at Yew Tree because so many mind blowing comments get made and everyone gets right excited and there’s no arguments, or ‘heated’ debates, just a chance for everyone to express their opinion if they want and people listen and genuinely want to I think, which is always nice. I could have sat there all night discussing eveeeerything.

We then got back into different groups and were told to, on a piece of paper, write down all the things we associated with the word ‘Secrets’. This once again exploded a whole world of different tunnels to travel down, and thoughts to be expressed, challenged, and get excited about. It’s pretty amazing how one word can spark off so many different interpretations, especially such a word as ‘Secrets’, it gives you a chance to understand and interpret within yourself how you feel about such a controversial topic and I think Yew Tree is the perfect place to do it.

Then, we wrote down all the genres of performance we could think of and I’m really looking forward to experimenting with some and seeing what type of theatre we can create, especially types that I haven’t yet done with Yew Tree or at all.

That’s one thing, along with many others that I love about the Black Company and Yew Tree in general that you are given the freedom to explore and discover drama without getting dictated to a specific set of rules to follow, worrying about whether you’re doing it right or wrong and whether you’re gonna tick the right boxes to get the grade you need, you can just enjoy it and have fun with it, moulding a performance piece by piece and just seeing what you end up with.

And let’s be honest… it always turns out brilliant! ;) xo


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