This weeks guest blogger is Aaron 17+, Saturday Morning Thornes and Heights cast member...

So I thought it would be interesting to have a 'Yew-Tree Quiz'. I honestly can't remember why I thought this would be good but I thought it would be a laugh. So anyway, these questions are more or less based on how Yew Tree influences you in ways of creativity, imagination and speech I suppose too. It could also just show how long you've been at yew-tree.

1) Are you over come with glee when you hear you have a tick next to your name?

2) Do you feel more confident than you did before you started YTYT?

3) When watching a performance are you mentally checking the good and bad points of it?

4) Have you taken a risk (performance wise)?

5) Have you used the word brilliant in a both positive and negative manner?

6) Have you ever seen Sam behind the wheel of a green Mini?

7) Have you ever been to Nostell Priory?

8) Do you own any Yew Tree merchandise?

9) Have you auditioned for Connections?

10) Do you feel like you've learnt something new after a Yew Tree session?

There's no actual scoring system for this. My ulterior motive was to let people know that before Yew Tree I’d not done any of these things before. I’d never taken a risk, I’d never audition for a part because the people in the shows I felt weren't nice enough to work with, I’d never looked at different pieces of theatre and thought about how certain things could be interpreted, I never felt I’d really learnt anything worth while before yew-tree and I definitely never saw Sam. What I’m trying to say is I believe that Yew Tree is bringing out the best in me and people I knew before Yew Tree.

So yeah...thank you


  1. Thought id do this quiz on here like lol but short my answers...

    1) I dont really remember
    2) Part of me does yes :)
    3) Yeah to some point but i always want to be watching the performance as well
    4) first year of BTEC, not as much, 2 year along with YTYT, started to yeah
    5) Used it in both
    6) First day i met her with aaron, jo, josh an and jamie outside Sarah Thomas
    7) YES
    8) YES
    9) YES, twice
    10) Sometimes more then when i first go into the room

  2. I love this...I love quizzes and it actually warms my heart a little :)

    1) A little...

    2) Definitely

    3) Yeah

    4) I suppose so

    5) I actually don't use that word a lot at all...but probably

    6) Many-a-time

    7) Yeah

    8) I do

    9) Yep

    10) Not every session...but most

  3. 1) A tick is always good
    2) Without a shadow of a doubt
    3) Depends how much lucozade I had at break
    4) YES I rapped!
    5) Brilliant is a brilliant word....brilliant
    6) Sam + Green mini = Oh aye
    7) It is true, I have felt the warm rays at summer school
    8) I own the best piece of merchandise
    9) Yup
    10) I could easily argue every session....if someone wants to pick that argument lets go!

    Quality stuff A-bomb....respect!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1) Are you over come with glee when you hear you have a tick next to your name?
    I've never had one, i always feel a tiny bit jealous of people when it gets mentioned that they have... ha

    2) Do you feel more confident than you did before you started YTYT?
    that was the whole reason i joined, back in the day. my dad introduced me and my sister to yew tree to bulid our confidence around other people and stuff.

    3) When watching a performance are you mentally checking the good and bad points of it?
    yes i think soo

    4) Have you taken a risk (performance wise)?
    ofcourse, i love to challange myself 8) baha

    5) Have you used the word brilliant in a both positive and negative manner?
    haha! yes :)

    6) Have you ever seen Sam behind the wheel of a green Mini?
    awwwwh yes :)

    7) Have you ever been to Nostell Priory?

    8) Do you own any Yew Tree merchandise?

    9) Have you auditioned for Connections?
    yepp, best thing i ever did through yew tree!

    10) Do you feel like you've learnt something new after a Yew Tree session?
    yerh, if its not something to do with performing then its something new about someone or a little extra knowledge ha

    i liked this :) tres interessant

  6. i'm glad india wrote the questions coz i cant remember them

    1. i also get jealous of people that get ticks but im over it

    2. alot. i was never a very confident person.

    3. im not sure i tend to decide whether i like it or not and see if it has any saviour moments. i dont no if thats what you ment.

    4. i tend to try regularly

    5. too much

    6. and taken many a ride in it

    7. yeh its lovely lots of trees about

    8. loads and i made some

    9. twice

    10. every time whether im assisting or participating

  7. im gonna fill fill fill this in lllllllater!

  8. as i pwomised...

    1) Are you over come with glee when you hear you have a tick next to your name?

    YES! Defo due to the rareness of it!

    2) Do you feel more confident than you did before you started YTYT?

    Hmmm. YES! Despite the cainings from Dr Oz!

    3) When watching a performance are you mentally checking the good and bad points of it?

    YES! Try watching the stage combat at east15. so many anomolies.

    4) Have you taken a risk (performance wise)?
    hmmm...probably yes!!

    5) Have you used the word brilliant in a both positive and negative manner?


    6) Have you ever seen Sam behind the wheel of a green Mini?
    suuure have!

    7) Have you ever been to Nostell Priory?


    8) Do you own any Yew Tree merchandise?


    9) Have you auditioned for Connections?


    10) Do you feel like you've learnt something new after a Yew Tree session?


    full house innit!


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