I went to Carleton youth theatre this week. I’ve been meaning to visit for a while but haven’t had the time or the opportunity…but this week things slotted into place and I got there. It was well worth the effort. Some of you might know about the Carleton “branch” of Yew Tree Youth Theatre, but for those who don’t…here’s the exposition. It was started in September 07 on the back of a Summer School. It’s had a difficult journey…changes in artists…the school where we held it burning down…yes you heard right… literally burning down…and then the room we found for it at a local community centre was nearly commandeered by the Brownies or was it the Rainbows…maybe it was both.... Despite all of this it has survived and has now found a suitable home and in the more than capable hands of Danny - assisted by Callum is growing and developing very nicely thank you…it was lovely to see the group again…and meet the new members for the first time …it was even better to see them working and talk to them about their next project.

There is a broader theme here, because when I add in reflections about Carleton session to reflections about the (almost jeopardised by Sarah being clueless) Thornes Park session I ran this week, a broader theme emerges: One of the things I appreciate about the youth theatre is at its best it allows an opportunity for everyone at the workshop to be truly creative. Happily for me (and the other Yew Tree artists) that’s not just an opportunity for the participants…the “Chance Encounters,” I had the pleasure to watch this Saturday were testament to that spirit of creativity and every now and again I feel unadulterated delight at how good that is….this week was one of those now and agains…


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