Guest blog this week from none other than Mr Jonny Hopwood ladies and gentlemen...erstwhile member of the Saturday morning session at Thornes park and the 17 plus group ...back at the moment from his training at East 15...

So, it was my first Saturday morning back after being at uni and I was well looking forward to it. And it definitely did not disappoint. The first thing that struck me with the how many new faces there were, the group had almost doubled since I left late 2008 and on that note, how brave and outgoing the new lot were, throwing there full selves into the games and exercises that we did that morning. Equally, it was lovely to see the veterans still religiously hitting the Saturday morning group. Also, 10am on a Saturday morning is early, having the energy and enthusiasm that everyone showed was amaaaazing.
Yeah. So all the games went shhhhhmoothly. Including the improvisation circle, again with the bravery; I reckon it will be well interesting to see the outcome when the group has a few weeks practise and development in improvisation because the level is already high.

Chance Encounter. Yeah. The bar, yet again, has been raised. The group showings at Yew Tree constantly hit a very high standard and I am always amazed when the standard is raised every week. Every piece was different to the next and the quality of each piece demonstrated a really tight ensemble which is sensational to say that there were new faces. I think this highlights the welcoming warm manner that has always been present on the Saturday morning group.
Mi old pal from mi uni was darn lark and he was amazed at the creativity and quality of the performances, specially when the average age of the group is fairly young. He recognised so much potential and he felt like he didn’t have any trouble fitting in, despite the accent.
So yeah. Quality. Yew Tree is sensational.
Big love.
Mc HipHopwood.
Ps. Girgis should rap every week.


  1. ........and I quote 'Yew Tree is sensational'.....this is quality Hoppo! I look forward to Saturday mornings way too much.

    Ps. I did abit of thinking about my rappin credentials and realised I don't have any....

  2. mate. my face was wobbling so much when i new the rap was about to emerge. wobble wibble wobble.

    felt like my kidneys were even shaking in anticipation.


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