Georgia Petts ladies and gentlemen...

I don't even know where to start with this blog, here we go...
Eclipse has been an emotional journey, from auditions, to being double cast, to now I suppose. Sunday and Monday were the last local connections performances I will ever do, and whilst that's hideously sad and makes me think I should be fitted for a hearing aid, it was also one of the happiest performances and general experience of my year! Sunday started off with no real drama, a 'quick' run of cast sun to get us started, and then a little bit of lunch, then a fire alarm, then a performance. Oh yeah, the fire alarm. So whilst everyone's tucking into a variety of lunches in a variety of locations across Wakefield town centre, the alarm goes off, who knows if anyone's still in the building, or if everyone's just getting an absolute bargain at pound bakery? Alas we were all fine and our first show went off with a hit!  
Before each show the great Darkness and Light cast gave a lesson in Eclipses, which is frankly more interesting than the scientific story taught at OGA. Ellen and Lowenna did a great job of helping bring D&L and Eclipse together with their roles in both, and all the little sunflowers (shout out to Sam and Grace for their sunshine faces and jazz hands) were really well portrayed and adorable (there's a lot more to that performances but that was my favourite part). The story was really moving, I thoroughly enjoyed Lib's role, which turned out to be quite heart breaking... I think they did a tremendous job to say they wrote a play and staged it entirely (of course with director input but we hogged Sarah a lot to be honest, sorry gals). 
Cast sun did a brilliant job, from Bailey's quiet but intimidating Klondike, to Alice's jealous and a little bit frightening Tulip (great character to oppo with, and actress I suppose...) cast suns first performance was spectacular. Then a quick reset (RESET RESET EVERYONE INTO POSITION) and some photos later (curtesy of Ellie) and we were on to cast moon! The twins (Charlotte and Eve) bubbly vanity made the audience chuckle which was great, a good distraction, before we did a grand disappearing trick with Lucy Lime (Leah)! 
First set of shows out of the way and we were on to round two, and the last local shows. Moon first then sun with an extremely quick change around! It was really interesting to see the plays performed literally back to back with different actors, from a learning point of view it really helped to see what character adaptations can be made for Kendal! The shows are over now and whilst that is truest heartbreaking, we still have Kendal, and I can honestly say nothing would make me happier than getting up on that stage with the Eclipse cast (including D&L) and performing our hearts out! Thank you to everyone who acted in it, helped out (Oz is the real MVP of lights, sound, set and all things technical), and of course a massive thank you to our Director Sarah, without which this would be entirely impossible! Connections is one of my favourite things about YT and I'll be sad to let it go but (prepare for the cheese) I love you guys to pieces and I am so proud of what we have accomplished! WHAT TEAM?!?!


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