Briony is our guest blogger with a review of Eclipse

I think it's an understatement to call Eclipse 'great' or 'stellar' (as I did) or 'so good' with 'good' having as many 'o's as you please. In my opinion, 'Eclipse' will be the best piece of theatre I see this year - at least, until the next YTYT piece I watch. I only saw the Monday 8:30 showing with the Sun Cast leading, though I wish I had seen the other cast leading at some point. All of the performances were great, even if they were a bit surprising ('Tom Mason' + 'Blindness' + 'Christian' made me wince a bit until I saw him act). Special mention, however, goes to Alice…as she gave me a quid to do so. It is an injustice to talk about 'Eclipse' without the accompanying piece - 'Darkness in the Light'. There is always something captivating about physical theatre, and this was no exception. I supposed what also helped was that it felt so Yew Tree-ish - like something from our Christmas shows - so it was a familiar comfort to me. It was delicious starter to the main course that was 'Eclipse'. While the performance may be over for me and all who watched it, I'm sure a part of it will remain with all of us - especially that ending. It's simply chilling, that ending. All I can finish is wishing the casts good luck for Kendal - and don't forget the ice cream


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