Sam's last Sapphire show needed blogging - so here we are...

It’s been a while since my last blog. I do hope you won’t hold it against me because, in honesty, it’s something I have missed. Since starting college, I have had little time for reflection and so, with a week off from Connections, I have had a strange lull this weekend before music centre concerts and Christmas Shows (which I assume you all have your tickets for eeek) and all manner of things roll into action. I’ve basically taken today, inside and sheltered from the wind – for going on my weekly bike ride would have been treacherous – to be ready for the week ahead.

Sapphire Company, in what is my last year there – if I may stifle a sob – will be performing ‘The Princess and the Frog.’ As a last show, I feel like it has been somewhat revolutionary for me. Breaking free of tradition, this year we will see narrators breaking rules of the last 5 Sapphire plays, a large degree of dancing and perhaps most shockingly, a giant talking frog. New challenges naturally require new skills. Many weeks ago now, I blogged about the puppetry workshop we went to in order to teach us about our magnificent new friend. I feel as if the work that goes into making a human-sized frog come to life could easily be underappreciated as the whole idea of puppetry is to bring life to inanimate objects; it shouldn’t look difficult. Juggling lines and movement and dealing with crawling across stages, my utmost respect goes to Sapphire’s puppeteers who are doing a splendid job.

Another thing I bear in mind as my time at Sapphire draws to a close is that Monday evenings have bestowed upon me a great gift: confidence. Watching rehearsals and being part of Sapphire’s Christmas shows, I am reminded that so much of what we do each week relies on bravery and the kind of self belief that allows us to be bold in our actions and convictions. I feel like that is what allows Sapphire to be successful in what we do… Plenty of talent, some hard work learning lines, a dash of bravery, some dedication in rehearsals and a kick of adrenaline to  get things going. The best thing is, all these little components that we take to the stage are still there in daily life and I find myself drawing on these resources every day.

With dress rehearsals this morning, it really is time to draw together our new skills and our old skills and great ready to get this show on the road. First or a last show, the time is nearly here! So, good luck to every company of Yew Tree Youth Theatre, I look forward to watching your shows.


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