Here it is - the 2015 Review by the very talented Alice Narey

This year I have become Sarah’s ‘tip top blogger’ (her words not mine) therefore I have the honourable task of writing the review of 2015 at YTYT. This has been my first whole year at YTYT it would not have been the same without it – I think it's safe to say my year would have been pretty dull without it and I can never stop saying how much I regret not joining sooner. However, this year has been a fully packed, busy, testing and just wonderful! With amazing people. So here are some of my highlights and some of the projects I have been part of this year.

I started 2015 with enthusiasm after experiencing my first Christmas shows. I walked into my first gold session of 2015 ready to go! We celebrated successful shows with games sessions and workshops of different kinds. I can honestly say I had never laughed so much – but I hadn’t seen anything yet. After that, I was fully loaded with inside jokes. I remember walking in to that session and I was so ready to get stuck in to every project that was thrown at me...and I did just that - which is evident when looking at the length of this blog.

After that we were thrown straight into devising a piece to perform in the Hepworth. This change of scenery was something I had never experienced before and it was really fun to perform among the art work. This was a trilogy of performances spread over 2015, our last once called ‘plinth’ which I will always remember because…well…just the word plinth to be honest.

Now, Kendal 2015 – Hacktivists. Having missed out on the auditions in 2014, I was extremely excited when I was offered the chance to do the sound for this performance and, in turn, this meant I had the opportunity to go to Kendal. This experience is something that cannot be put into words (probably because if I do I would run out of synonyms for wonderful and amazing too quickly) This was a turning point for me as it allowed me to become closer to everyone and bond with the people that will now be lifelong friends. Wow isn’t it amazing what a good KFC can do? I cannot forget to mention the incredible people we shared the experience with…all I can say is that…they were Scottish. Yes, Scottish. No more should be said.

This year I got to watch black company perform Beauty and The Beast which was delightful. It really made me realise how I am part of such a talented theatre company. As I left I started to think ‘if I am half as good as that by the time I leave I will be so happy’ and now I am looking forward to 2016 where I have the chance to join black company. So, thank you cast of Beauty and The Beast!

This year I have not only been able to perform several times but I have also had the chance to watch other companies perform. Me and some other members of Gold travelled to Ossett Gala to watch Scarlet and Sapphire Company perform. It was brilliant to watch both Sapphire’s thoughtful performance called ‘creativity’ and then watch the different side to YTYT which is Scarlet Company that dance. Despite me having 2 left feet and not being a fan of dance myself, I really enjoyed it.

(I have no idea if any of these are in the correct order but oh well! Onwards and upwards! That makes no sense…Bear with me…)

Then came the summer holidays, usually quite boring…not this year! Scattered with rehearsals and the excitement of year 11 (all sarcasm intended) I was also part of YTYT summer project – Brin and his everyday heroes. That week is a week I will remember for a long time, I made some incredible friends. Unfortunately two great friends that I had only met that week actually left after that project and I haven't seen them since so I guess - Alice and Daisy I hope you have a great Christmas! The performance was in the playground of the hepworth and we got an astonishing crowd that only just fit in the area! It was so amazing to see. I thought that spending 6 hours everyday from Monday to Friday with the same people would be too fact I realised that it wasn't enough.

2015 has been a special year, YTYT turned 20 years old this year! First of all, congratulations to Sarah! The birthday celebrations were a treat to be part of, the performance of mugged (the first connection play YTYT did) was unbelievably perfect. Also, watching 'just a pretty face' by Gemma was absolutely wonderful. Then came the open mic night, having not experience a YTYT open mic night before I can definitely say I wasn't disappointed. The room was brimming with talent and - as stressful as it is working with Georgia and Sam - it was a very rewarding night. Part 3 was a games session for past and present YTYT members. Old favourites were played and it was the first time I had played ratchet screwdriver - it was....interesting? And finally I attended the scratch event which was absolutely delightful! Listening to Gemma talk about how she joined the company and watching past members perform was amazing and I was truly in awe of everyone. The presentations were truly inspiring. The birthday celebrations were great to be part of. (I have no idea if I got the events in the correct order... *nervous laughter*)

Unfortunately, I could not be part of a heart warming project by YTYT - the miners memorial. This annual performance was special and from what I saw was truly beautiful. So to everyone who was part of it, congratulations for being so brilliant. This piece was a show of respect and I'm sure it was very rewarding. I hope to be part of it next year so I can fully appreciate it.

Halloween at the Hepworth gallery! Working on ghostly poems was so fun and the mixture of performances were great, I hadn't expected so many people to turn up! The living waxworks were something different and they were very successful. My family are now scared to death of half of the members...oops!

If I'm correct that brings me to the Christmas shows! Festive Fairytales! They were brilliant. This year, I was excited to be playing Gerda (obviously because of the pretty name) and to be wearing very flattering dungarees.......I'll leave it there. Crimsons performance was particularly memorable and beautifully written. I really really loved it! Of course, I cannot forget to mention the frog, who completely stole the show and my parents refuse to say anything different...sapphire once again hit us with an hilarious show. Also, I understood why there was so much hype for black companies physical theatre piece. It was incredible.

So...2015 - Almost over! I end this year with beautiful memories to last me a lifetime an the prospect of making more next year! We have said hello and goodbye to members of YTYT. The sheer amount of things that have happened this year are just too much to mention, I honestly don't know how Sarah does it. But I sure am glad she does. I don't know what  would do without YTYT...It's not just my Saturdays that would be boring. My whole year would have been pretty uneventful without YTYT. I now look forward to Eclipse and Kendal 2016! And so many other things that I am yet to discover. To all those people who are on the fence about joining YTYT, just look at how much you are missing out on, trust me it is worth it. Don't regret not joining earlier like I did. I ended my YTYT year telling the story of a Christmas Carol in the Hepworth...bringing a man's childhood back to him made my day. A perfect way to end my year. And I have Sarah and YTYT to thank!  So, here is to an even better 2016. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


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