An alternative birthday present for YTYT

This is the first time I have ever done anything like this so bare with me…It comes from having watched the fierce media traffic over the last days, weeks and months regarding Syria and those displaced by the horrific events there…it’s something that everyone has an opinion on and passions have certainly been inflamed…

Too late…all too late I got tired of passively watching and decided I wanted to do something so I asked some of the cleverest heads I know what help would actually make a difference and after chatting I came up with a plan that I would like anyone who would like to, to help me with…so here it is…

Week commencing the 14th of October is Yew Tree Youth Theatre’s birthday week – if you want to give us a present you can give us one of two things (or both) pay an extra £1 for your session – this extra £1 will go to  MOAS consists of international humanitarians, security professionals, medical staff, and experienced maritime officers who have come together to help prevent further catastrophes at sea. They are passionate about the plight of those seeking a better life, free of violence, despite the dangers they face.“ This organisation and the people that work in them and for them do an extraordinary and vital job…I’d like to help them do it…

If you’d rather not donate money, through the week we will also be collecting essential items for Leeds No Borders to take to Calais – this is what they need:

Clothes: (only clean stuff)

Stuff to clean easily and/or dry
Socks (wet socks are an issue when you can’t dry)

Anti-bacterial product
Cleaning product
Basic toiletries product (soap, towels, kitchen paper, toilet paper…)
Plastic pots (usable for small laundry)
Basic first aid kits
Rubbish bags/bins
Containers/Jerrycan for food and water
Non-perishable food
Water (Bottles with taps are always useful)
Pans, pots, grills (sponges, dish soap…)

We’re also going to collect either money or things for Leeds No Borders at the presentation day that WYTDC are having on the 13th of September

I would like to make it clear – this is something I wanted to do and I figured that some people within YTYT and WYTDC might want to as well but I’m not saying that anyone should…I’m not trying to persuade anybody to do something they don’t want to do I’m giving an opportunity for those that were looking for one…there are so many people in need for all sorts of reasons - we all have the right to support the causes we feel are important…


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