Our guest blogger is the lovely Georgia

The start of the summer holidays usually means that there's a lack of rehearsals, however that is not the case this year, along with summer project, rehearsals for the 20th anniversary celebrations are well under way. 
This years summer project is based on Robin Hood, but it is a more modern approach to the story. It's called 'Brin and his everyday heroes'. So far we have had two sessions; to devise new material, and read through the script. The read through was really useful to see the shape of the play, and to see the bonds between characters start to develop. The project has had a change of scenery this year, moving from Nostil Priory to the Hepworth in Wakefield. The new venue helps to develop the play as the playground in which it will be staged helps create the atmosphere for the play perfectly.
Rehearsals for Mugged are going very well, as all cast members are making more and more discoveries each week. This week we focused on Team Medias scenes, and the last scene. Team Media's staging, combatted with their posture and voices has helped distinguish between the different roles (e.g. news reporter, police etc). These scenes are really important as they tie everything together, they fill in the gaps as to what the outside world has made of Marky's death, and how everyone else is being judged because if it. 
I'm really excited for next week to start as the summer project is a new experience for me, and although the week is similar to connections week, it will be more challenging as it incorporates: staging, line learning and character development into one week.


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