Not such a sleepy summer...
The Summer YTYT term is definitely winding
down and as it does the structure of our weekly sessions gradually melts into the
freedom of summer. There is, as
always, such a sense of achievement…almost all of this terms performances have been successfully
staged with the exception of Sapphire’s creativity piece which is happening
next Saturday at Ossett Gala. More than that we've welcomed new members, celebrated individual members successes, been brave enough to accept challenges and said some fond farewells...ooh and we've pretty much finished the recording for a full length radio play of Rivers of London :)
Despite this winding down of the regular
sessions YTYT are going to be far from sleepy in the summer months – first off we have to write,
rehearse and perform a play in less than a month. On the 31st of July, the world premiere of Brin and his Everyday Heroes will be performed at the playground of The Hepworth,
Wakefield by 24 Yew Tree members. The
concept behind the production is to take the characters and values of the legend
of Robin Hood and give it a contemporary setting…We have our first devising
session on Thursday and I’m really looking forward to seeing the actors develop their characters and plot a story line worthy of the literary heritage of Robin
The other thing that will be in full swing over the summer is the preparation for our 20th Birthday party which will take place
on the 18th to the 20th of September. Gemma is busy writing a play for
Crimson Company, I have cast for our performance of Mugged and will be rehearsing though July and August…we
are also working hard to get the scrapbooks up to date an absolutely herculean task – thank
you Toni, Ellen and Hollie for your work on this so far. Also we will be working on contacting ex member of YTYT to
come back and celebrate with us and also where possible contribute to our scratch
event on the 19th of September. This will be a chance to showcase the work of
YTYT graduates…so if you qualify as that kind of person get in touch asap and
book a slot. In addition to all of this we will very soon
be taking bookings for the games sessions we are holding on the 20th
and performers for our birthday Open Mic Night on the same date…it’s all very exciting – so get the dates in
your diary and keep your eyes peeled for details…
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