And Amy W is our second guest blogger

This morning (or rather Saturday morning), was one in which I spent rehearsing Twelve Dancing Princesses with gold company. We warmed up playing Killer 12 (oh and thanks a lot Toni and Ellen), Ninja Warrior and Captain Beaky, in which I managed to bruise my knees on the floor trying to reach the wall for the 999 rule. We also had a new starter, Abbey Lee (I’m not sure how to spell it), who managed very well in a room of very confident and, admittedly, slightly hyperactive teenagers. We worked on scenes five, six and seven for the first time, as well as going over the earlier parts of the play, which is very good progress for the third rehearsal. For me, the highlights of the session include: Leah’s nervous giggle before she said “Surely not.”; Libby taking a selfie to charm Prince Casper; Matthew’s fantastic speech in the woodland scene which, not only, was done without a script but was also pretty well done for a first rehearsal. All in all, I can already tell you that years Christmas shows are going to be fantastic.


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