A great day...

Today was a great day…we were once again in the wonderful halls of Nostell Priory telling the stories of the people who lived in and around Nostell at the start of World War 1.  Five actors portrayed mothers and sons, husbands and brothers and told their stories…stories about fears, discomfort, endurance, resilience, loss and hope.  They told the stories well and visitors to the house listened equally well…relationships were formed between actor and audience and between present and past.  In those moments a bridge was built between now and history that taught us something about ourselves and those that came before us…

Today is also a sad day, over the last 18 months a little bit of my heart and head has walked with the Winn family and their neighbours and although their stories will never leave me today is the last time I’ll get to tell them to others…I’ve loved finding out about them…discovering new nuggets of information…consider what it was to live in a world where everything was about to change…being able to fuel my writing with such rich material…it’s been a pleasure and a privilege…I hope one day I might get chance to give their stories and voices life again…


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