You are my sunshine!

The sunshine has returned today after deserting us for the week and with it, it has brought it’s welcome warmth, light, optimism and playfulness a stark contrast to the rain and grey skies that were our landscape for a lot of last week…

It occurred to me yesterday that I pretty much have access to sunshine every week…every time I walk into a Youth Theatre session.  Yesterday morning at Gold Company for example even though we were key members of the cast missing, even though we had a lot to achieve for our forthcoming production of “The Sea,” even though some of the cast were broken physically or emotionally (or in some cases both) we still had a wonderful morning.  So much laughter, so much effort, so much progress…the real world left at the door for three hours and a much brighter, happier world in it’s place.  I left the rehearsal feeling restored and re-energised…proud of what we’d done and excited about what was in store next.

I’m watching so many of you at YTYT try desperately to cope with the grueling ordeal of revision and exams you have going on at the moment – or trying to juggle the demands of work, of responsibilities, of decisions – I see you on your good days and on your bad and on the bad days I wish I could do more…however what I can do is create a place of sunshine for you to come to, to escape from the rest of the world for a little time, where we can make things we are proud of and play and remember who we are…it works for me…I hope it works for you…


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