I love it when a blog wings it way to me unasked for and unexpectedly...Brittany provided that treat for me on Monday...an entire week knowing I had a guest blog in place, especially one as lovely as this made my week that little brighter...

Hello there people of Yew Tree, Brittany here, ready and raring to tell you about Sapphire’s latest jaunt in the world of drama.  Now for those who do not know, Sapphire have recently undertaken the task of putting ‘Children’s Excursion’ on its feet, to be performed on the 16th June to parents, friends, family and the curious.  Now this is to be a workshop play, meaning there are no props, no set pieces and no costumes.  BUT let me tell you, that doesn’t mean there is no fabulousness, because frankly without a bit of fabulous it wouldn’t be a Sapphire play (we are the geniuses behind Rumplestiltskin, we won’t settle for less than amazing). 
As I write this I am sitting with a mug of fruit tea and a cat cuddled up to me, fresh from the last rehearsal before performance night.  And by Jove am I happy.  Because I have just witnessed wonders, from last week when I believe most of us left a little deflated, we as a company have come so far.  So I felt inspired to write my joy in a blog for everyone outside of Sapphire (and those within of course) to share in.  I myself am in the privileged position of being an extra (A-levels are a horrific time and the prospect of line learning filled me with terror) which means I get to sit back and watch.  Which is a lot of fun trust me, from champagne picnics to reacting to characters in a classroom, it really is a joy.  But anyway, back to the wonders of Sapphire.  There were quite a few things that stood out for me tonight.  In a non-exhaustive list here are a few key highlights…
My fellow extras.  We are all fabulous, and I feel we make this play all the better (hey without us there would be no train…and no way of getting to the country...).  Obviously those with lines are great…but a champagne picnic?  Awe-inspiring. 
Sam.  I know not of his last name, but he has recently picked up the role Peter, and is doing so well!  Peter is basically the complete opposite of Sam, and so it has been a challenge, but I think Sam is slowly getting to be as rude and charming (an oxymoron if there ever was one) as Peter, and is bringing life to scenes.  Maybe that’s because he’s suddenly learnt how to be aggressive (with thanks to me and Sam Winder, arguably the most aggressive people in that room) and to assert his power.  So that is just awesome. 
Next, three young girls who joined us last year, Beth, Bethany and Isabelle.  To look at them in their tininess (maybe that’s just because of my bigness) you wouldn’t think they could have as much power and talent.  They have taken on their characters so well, with their voices getting gradually louder and stronger every run, and I cannot wait to see what else they can pull out of the bag in this performance and onto the Christmas shows. 
Finally, everyone else.  I can’t put everything into one blog, otherwise you’d probably still be sat reading this while we were performing (and that’s a long time), but I just wanted to put forward how proud I am of everyone.  They’ve really grown into their characters, and I look at how far we have come with this little project and it makes me proud of my fellow Sapphires.  Special mention due to Jacob (who, despite sibling rivalry and blatant rudeness to Sarah on occasion, I actually admire quite a lot and am very proud of for coming this far from his pre-King/Gordon ways) and Gee for character personification, as well as Grace for learning a killer speech and Katie for pulling off the picnic scene with such grace.  Obviously everyone deserves a special mention, I just have a very bad memory and attempting to write everyone’s name would be a disaster, so I chose just a few. 
So that concludes my mad blog ramblings, if you have made it this far then congratulations, you probably deserve a medal.  So if you’ve arranged to come see us then you are in for a treat, and if you haven’t then just know…you better be ready for some Sapphire action at Christmas because if this pulled-together production is anything to go by its going to be LEGEN-wait for it-DARY.
Love Brittany/Brit/B/the weirdo in Sapphire/The Genie (depending on what you know me by) xx


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