Toni is the guest blogger this week...

We’re back at Gold! Huzzah! After a three week break (and more for me), we have finally started to piece together and structure our physical theatre piece, The Sea, to be performed at St. Austen’s theatre in June. We started the session with Best and Worst, People to People and the Bean Game before we ran through what we had set for the prologue to remind ourselves of what we did. The whole script is beautifully written by our own Tiff and Sarah; especially the prologue which looks great when the physical theatre is added to it! The lifts look fantastic too, as well as fun to do! Everyone was really helpful to make sure people knew what they were doing and before we knew it, we were running through the beginning rather smoothly.
After a break, and some Kendal mint cake, we got started on setting the foundations for scene 1. This is the scene where we first meet Anna as she says goodbye to her family for a trip across the ocean and also where we meet Edward who has just got the money to buy a ticket aboard the ship. We began with a chorus piece, packing our bags and belongings slowly as Anna’s family bade her farewell. There were some surprisingly good interpretations of railing by Libby, Georgia and Grace and a quite amusing impression of ‘scoundrels’ by Tiff and Shelbie to go with it too. There is then a sharp contrast in the scene to, what I’m sure is now everyone’s favourite part of the play so far, it certainly is mine, the purchase of Edward’s ticket where we all have to barge through one another to try get the last one. Scene 1 was finished off with everyone else’s farewells and a return to our positions.
It was our first week back but it definitely felt like we made up for some of the time with how much we’d achieved. It’s also been the first week I’ve felt really excited to perform it, with the performance date drawing near.


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