This week's guest blog is written by the cast of The Wardrobe

Georgia (Forrest) Petts! - My connections experience is going to be extremely hard to sum up into one paragraph (so it mighty not). At the start the auditions process was something that I was quite nervous about especially as it was in front of everyone, but as my time approached and came the nerves just vanished because everyone was so supportive. When waiting to see if I had got the part I wanted everyone was messaging each other saying they hope everyone was happy with casting, and everyone was at the end. Rehearsals have got to be the most enjoyable part of the process! Half term week brought five days of 10-4 rehearsals and it was absolutely fabulous. Being directed by both Mikey and Sarah proved to be both useful and very helpful in and outside of connections. I quickly became known as the clumsy one, falling over every session, bumping into people, dropping things…that was part of the fun…. And then Kendal just arrived out of nowhere and finding out that all of us got to be in the same rooms (minus the boys…of course) seemed to be some of the best news. The performance went brilliantly everyone performed fantastically, I could not be more proud of any group of people even if they conquered Everest (Bear Grylls + crew)! Some highlights would be (hold on I’m nearly finished) That’s out (bumped heads with locky) my little heart to hearts with everyone, the people I have met, and the food I have eaten…. I would hands down recommend the connections experience to anyone, and hopefully I’ll be joining you next year if I can bribe my dad! Fingers crossed! WHAT TEAM! WARDROBE! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE PLAY!

Hollie - My first connections experience has definitely been something to remember. The definite highlight of it all is just getting to know everyone, cheesy I know. Before connections I knew no one here and I was actually really scared to do it but after being squeezed to death by Bobbie a few times I soon began to feel like part of the group. I’m going to miss everyone so much is been such a great experience and I cant wait to do it next year!

Sam - I am sitting here in our little Malt Room (I say our, what I really mean is the room that has been the residence of various youth theatre groups for the past few days) feeling incredibly forlorn as the realisation is hitting me that that Connections is nearly over. I could describe the past few months as many things but I think that what we have achieved deserves the title of “Immense Journey” for all of us regardless of past experience. I feel as if I have come an awfully long way in what is realistically a very short time… Auditioning in the first place only happened after a lot of persuasion and yet now, for next year, I have no doubt that should anyone ask me as to weava I want to give it a go, I would reply with a resounding yes. The sense of achievement after our performance on Friday is something that I hope I can remember for a least a while; this has been an example of a time when what you get out of something is directly proportional to what you put in.
Another great thing about connections and the whole Kendal business is that we get to see a couple of the other shows. Yesterday we watched a play called “Same” and really it was great to see how other people have worked in the same way as we have through similar processes to reach towards their final production. It made us laugh and a fair few of us cry and the mutual support we showed each other before and after our performances only added to the satisfaction of what we have done. In a couple of hours we get the chance to watch another couple of shows, a prospect for which I am very exited.
Final note, I seriously urge you all to audition next year.
Final final note, if you a reading this and were in the connections cast this year, I imagine that I am probably thinking of you all now in my pitiful loneliness.

Shelbie - So I can remember when me and Libby were first thinking about connection and I wasn’t completely sure if I should audition but then after I had my audition with the Merv I realised that this was the right thing to do, weeks and weeks passed and the time to show what we had created was drawing closer I was feeling the nerves building up inside me. When I look back to when we first started to now I see the progress we have all made, the friendships that have grown stronger and I also noticed how much more confident and confortable I am with acting. It is such a brilliant experience that I can’t wait to have next year.

Amy W - I know it’s an overdone thing to say but Connections has been an amazing journey. From when we first auditioned to now, we have all travelled an incredible distance. Everyone has improved in some aspects, whether they have managed to learn a scene in a totally new language, learnt to be comfortable enough on stage to show vulnerability or discovered all the hard work involved in setting props. I’m very proud of myself and everyone else involved so well done everyone!

Charlotte - This years connections has been such a different experience to the rest of the time I have been involved because I did music this year which was really tricky to start with because the play is so different. I think that the entire cast should be ridiculously proud because the play they created is absolutely brilliant and it wouldn’t have been the same without each and everyone one of them. It has been one of my favourite connections plays that Yew Tree have done and it has been great getting to know everyone! (:

Daisy - I didn’t know what to expect with it being my first connections but it has been a fantastic experience, which I will remember for a long time. I am so proud of all the cast who have vastly improved since the beginning and have gotten more comfortable in their roles. Kendal has been amazing, I have learnt the (many) Kendal traditions and I have particularly enjoyed playing ‘That’s out’, It was most amusing seeing members of the public watch on in confusion and disbelief whilst we salmoned on the ground. Over the past months my confidence with the scene and my character has grown immensely and it has been interesting to see the contrast between connections and other performances we have done with Yew Tree. I have loved every minute of connections and I am so glad I decided to be a part of it!

Merv - This is possibly going to be my last Connections FOREVER! As the world goes round and Mervy B grows up, unfortunately I have to move on! I can honestly say that this year has been the best Connections ever, purely because the cast and crew are just amazing and we have had a great time putting it all together. But also because I have explored and think I have a much better understanding of my acting, which is something that I want to do as a career. Connections is always pulling me in terms of growing my acting skills, I am always auditioning for characters that are different, and not similar to other ones; which is why Connections is such a good thing for aspiring actor’s. It is amazing that I had a chance to show my origins, Kosovo, through a scene in my language. I find connections a place to have fun with acting, and meet new people who do and like the same interests as you. And finally the whole journey experience with the cast and crew has just been phenomenal and seeing people grow into better confident actors/actresses is just amazing, even though I knew the people before connections I never expected such professionalism and creative people. Its all very inspiring to me and makes me believe in what I do, and why I am doing it, because it is fun, and hopefully I will be here next year J

Courtney - Okay so I’m not very good with words but here I go, right Connections has been so fun and so great. I have learned so much and even stuff I can use outside of the yew tree.  I have made so many new friends and got closer to others e.g. Georgia ;) I have become (hopefully) a better actor and better at working with people which has really helped my GCSE drama. Thank you so much everyone for many this a wonderful and memorable time for me love you all…

Amy T – When I first read the play and auditioned back in November of 2013, I did not visualize or imagine the potential that the play had. This is probably because I had never worked with this cast before, as this was my first connections experience. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I compared our first read through of the script to the very last time we performed on Friday the 2nd of May at Kendal. The skills we have learnt and developed, and the amount of times we pushed ourselves rewarded us so much and made the whole experience worth it. Everyone can without a doubt say they have achieved admirable amounts and I was proud that the characters I created were displayed to a range of people over the course of the past few months, and worked. I would recommend this experience to anyone as it is something I will remember for a very long time. All the hard work and the full day rehearsals pay off! I am hopeful that I will be part of the team next year, whomever that may contain… x

Toni – Back in November, I was offered to be part of the stage crew for this year’s connections. I jumped at the chance because I was wondering whether to audition for a role or not and it meant I could see the whole process of connections and what it was like. For the last few months, connections has been the highlight of my week! We’ve had so much fun and it’s been a great experience; especially being able to see plays from the point of view of a crew member. Now, for Kendal! I’ve enjoyed every moment of it from getting on the coach at 9.50 Friday morning!  From the cheesy adverts made on iMovie, to the performance (which all the actors did brilliantly!), to ‘zeezeezee-ing’ and ‘salmon-ing’ in some of our first times in playing, what is no doubt most people’s new favourite game, That’s Out!  Thanks everyone for making my Connections experience unforgettable! J

Lavanya – When I auditioned for the part of Nell for Connections last November I never thought I would get the part, so was ecstatic (and very surprised) when I did! My character, Nell, is an eighteen year old women living in 1916 who is engaged to Anthony (Tom). Anthony qualified for conscription so would soon to be going off to fight in World War 1, so obviously Nell was devastated and emotional but also delighted when he proposes to her during the scene. I remember the first time we read through the script, and how little I thought about being in the moment, how the character would be feeling, taking pauses, showing emotion, portraying the relationship of characters and so much more that I now do think about and that made the performances of The Wardrobe so amazing. This is all down to Sarah and Mikey’s direction, help and support. Every week we rehearsed and it very quickly became something I looked forward to, probably because of the great people and the amount of fun we had! Each week I discovered something new about my character and this inevitably changed the way I performed (for the better!). After all the hard work that everybody put in, the local performances in Ossett went so well and the feeling that you get when you know you’ve done well is the best feeling! I could carry on writing forever…but there’s Kendal! Kendal has been so fabulous and performing on Brewery Arts Centre’s stage was magical. I also discovered a new talent in That’s Out (as in I caught the ball a couple of times!) Overall, I have had the BEST connections experience with the BEST people and I will miss it soooooo much!

Libby (afro child)- connections has been the best experience of my life! When I auditioned I didn’t know what to expect other than hard work, but it has been full of laughs and singing (I am pretty sure all we did was sing…). So much hard work has been put into this production it is unbelievable, for example me and Ellen had so many things to think about so many things like making sure we spoke with a broad Yorkshire accent and applying A LOT of face make-up, which I luckily got rid of with a costume change and Ellen wont forgive me, also making the injuries sound real and trying to pull off the idea that the injuries actually happened to us and we went through them. Friendships have been made and gotten stronger through the 7 month process of connections and it was very emotional Friday night after we had finished the show knowing some of us wouldn’t be able to see one another for a while due to being in different company’s. I didn’t lie one little bit when I said this was the best experience of my life and I cant wait to audition again next year!:)

Bobbie- It is practically impossible to sum up Connections in one paragraph. The amount of highlights that have been packed into six months is ridiculous. Highlights like, meeting the wonderful Hollie and having her in my life, getting to see Sam and Tom and Amy on a regular basis, Beth and Daisy’s ridiculouslessness, HALF TERM WEEK (see previous blog to see highlights about that), the performances, Coming back to the play after a month, KENDAL (particular highlights include: Catching the ball in That’s out 5 times, Charlotte ‘the angel’ Scott, Sarah singing Defying Gravity at the party + the actual performance). The whole experience has helped me grow so much and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it, with this amazing cast that I’m so lucky to be able to call my Yew Tree family. I love you all and thank you for such a wonderful 6 months.

Mikey- First time being assistant director and it wont be my last because I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun. The cast are the best group of people and I was so nervous coming into a new role and although it was my job to help them they helped me so much more, the cast made me feel comfortable and like I was actually useful and for that I am grateful. I hope and look forward to working with all these people again. Coming to Kendal and watching everyone just having a great time and putting on an amazing performance is my favourite memory of this entire journey. You were all fantastic!!! Much Love Wilby x

Tom- this is my second connections, and the first time I’ve been part of the cast all the way through, so I was really looking forward to really be able to get to know my character and the other cast members. And since November I have had the best time possible. The cast members of the wardrobe are possibly the greatest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. I have made so many new friends and got closer to so many more people. I have another 5 years at this and I would be surprised to see another cast as tightly knit as this one. I love each and everyone of you and I cant wait for next year

Amy O – Connections literally just gets better and better and is my favorite part of the whole year yayayaayy! For the last six months we’ve just got closer and closer and closer and my little squishy connections cast are my favorites in the whole world ever. I’ve loved working on The Wardrobe because it’s such an interesting play and everyone has made such incredible journeys through the play and within themselves, it’s so amazing to watch! KENDAL is the best weekend of the year, performing, watching the other casts perform, our giant 14 person sleepover, my quiff, impromptu singing, roll calls, food, the party (my fave bit could you tell?;)) and all the other lovely times and catch ups we got to have, Seeing all the Gold company lot every week is great and I’ll miss them so much but its okay because we’re all going to see Belle in a couple of weeks anyway, okay?;) I love you all so much, bring on 2015 <3 span="">

Beth - As I've already blogged about a lot of this year's Connections I'll keep this strictly about Kendal.
Like most of this year's cast this was my first time visiting the Brewery Arts Centre. For months we've been hearing tales about previous years and to be totally honest I was worried that it had been overhyped, but all the excitement was justified and it turned out to be a brilliant couple of days.
The weekend went almost entirely without a hitch. The weather was surprisingly good, nothing was lost or forgotten and the performance was the best it's ever been. The only slight issue was a mix up with the rooms which meant that we only had three between the 24 of us which was...Different.
We watched some great performances, met lots of new people did a lot of dancing, and of course had a ridiculous game of That's Out. It really was the perfect way to end what was a fantastic connections experience. Bring on next year!


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