This week we have three best and worsts for the guest blog...

The first is from Shelbie from Gold Company

I think in the last three months the best part without a doubt was and still is doing Connections, the actors are some of the most greatest people in the world and doing the play "The Wardrobe" has been a lovely experience, in my opinion Connections has brought me a lot closer to many people who go to Yew Tree also being able to see it progress since we started last year is incredible I'm just so proud of everyone involved. Another one of my best moments was devising for the physical theatre "Not Too Shoddy" I love every minute, not to mention watching Amy T trying to teach Tom all of it in the matter of minutes, I loved being able to give the people if Ossett something to watch and look forward to. It's always a pleasure being able to perform with Yew Tree Youth Theatre and work along side so many talented people, I have a feeling this year is going to be amazing.

The second from little Sara Lewis from Ruby

The best part of the past 3 months as been doing 'Freeze images' to do the elves and the shoemaker and she said that there wasn't a worst thing as drama is the best thing ever and it can't get any better

And the last from Beth G from Black and Gold

Bests and worsts of this term at Yew Tree? Where to start?
Well at Black it's been all about Shakespeare. Having never done full Shakespeare play I jumped at the chance to be a part of Taming of the Shrew. This is probably really obvious but I hadn't realised how different it would be to one of our modern plays. It's been a challenging but also really interesting process so far and I definitely recommend you come and see it.
Gold has been very physical theatre oriented so far this term as we performed our piece for Not Too Shoddy in Ossett alongside our work on The Sea. It's something I was fairly new to and at first it seemed a little daunting, but as I'm learning and practising it's quickly becoming one of my favourite things. We've created some beautiful work and hopefully will continue to do so in the next few months.
With Jade company we have gained new members left right and centre and everyone has been working really hard with their performance of Heard It In The Playground.
Then of course there was the truly brilliant performance of The Nutcracker where I got the chance to not only be involved and help out, but also see it being developed and then performed so wonderfully. It was magic.
And finally we have this years' Connections play - The Wardrobe. Despite having taken part in so many other Yew Tree delights it feels like I've spent the entirety of my 2014 so far with my stunning, talented, frankly absurd but totally lovely Connections family. The whole thing has been one big best, from our Subway trips to the Wardrobe bean game, from the hard work of half term to ridiculous antics. I'm really proud of our work and of course the three performances we did (I even wrote a blog about it ;)) and now I can't wait for Kendal!
The only worsts I can think of are the unfortunate incident involving Sian's dislocated knee, and the fact that it is nearly time to say goodbye to our old Gold company room as we are being relocated. That and the fact that there really aren't enough days in the week to fit in all this Yew Tree loveliness! Busy busy!


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