The challenge of immediacy...
It was the last rehearsal of our National
Connections production of The Wardrobe yesterday before our final performance
at Kendal. In the last couple of
weeks we have transformed it from a play performed in the round to one that
fits into a conventional theatre.
This has taken a whole heap of creativity, problem solving and even more
hard work. The performance is
demanding, a full hour on stage with no respite and made up of scenes that are
established played and ended in less than a few minutes. It’s a real actors challenge and by
taking it on the cast have developed their skills immeasurably. In addition those involved in support
roles as crew have equally had to step up in order to make the production work.
As their director I am immensely proud of all of them.
Yesterday at the end of the run there was
much to be pleased about. The performances are confident, eloquent and
poised…the play works in it’s new format and in the adaptation of it we have
made new discoveries. The cast are unquestionably dedicated and talented. However it became very clear that the
biggest challenge they are going to face in the final performances is creating
the immediacy needed to make the play feel real.
To act well you need to know the work
inside out – have spent hours on character work, hours learning the journey of
the play and your characters part in that, learning the lines and the staging. Then you have to forget you have ever
heard or seen or felt any of what happens in the play and live it for the first
time…and that’s the final challenge for the cast of The Wardrobe. To really bring the play to life for
the last two audiences that will see it they have to immerse themselves in a
world they know and experience it as if each moment is a discovery…if they
manage that, then we will have a truly unforgettable show…
Oh and casts of Flawless, Taming of the
Shrew, The Sea and Children’s Excursion I hope you’re learning your lines
because as soon as next weekend is over it’s going to be all about you!
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