Beth M is the first guest blogger...

I've had a very very Yew Tree week. I started on first session volunteering at Sapphire and they were a joy, the play written by Lal is so good and can tell shes worked so hard..moving on to Thursday's Black Company's session im very much excited about our new project and I think working in smaller groups is different but i enjoy it and the plays are going to be magnif! My new word that I think. Magnif!:) Then onto Saturday morning at Gold oh wow the game of situation wink murder I could of died literally and the read through of A-Z Shakespeare ooooo all too much excitement..and its written so good..STOCKFISH..Saturday afternoon and our last run of Tomorrow I'll be Happy before Crofton and Kendal performances ! I can not tell you how much hard work everyone has put into that play and its been a emotional exciting journey for all of us lets go out with a bang eh and bring on Kendal still standing after this week 


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