A joint blog from Sam and Brittany...it's a joy
Iambic Rhythms
Sapphire, this most glorious of days, was rather a
delightful experience, but I suppose that was to be expected. It is not often
that Sapphire delves into such things as the work of Shakespeare, but then again, trying new things seems to be becoming
a trend of late… Everything has become terribly serious. We still have a lark though, as ever.
We started with an old favourite, nothing less than a
game of Coconuts. And, from that point on, counting became rather an important
part of the session. 1 2 3 4 5 6 COCONUTS
quickly become 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
as we counted the syllables in various lines from plays and sonnets, soon
spotting the pattern. Lots of us already knew to expect this, having studied
sonnets and what not at school, but fewer were aware of the pattern of
unstressed/stressed syllables within it: Iambic
Pentameter. *Cue dramatic music* *Gasp* *Intriguing close up camera angle*
Now, I must say, the chances are that many of you will
not want to read my tedious attempt at an explanation of such a thing, so, I
shall bore you not. Although I do urge you to Google it if you do not know…
We found it thoroughly delightful to view extracts of
Shakespeare in a new light, taking into account our new found knowledge of
iambic pentameter, feeling that it added extra layers of meaning to what was
being said. As we had not
previously explored the wonders of meter and its effect on character and
meaning, we were surprised at how much you can learn, and I’m sure you would be
too! Without a shadow of a doubt we
are now fully equipped to wow our English teachers!
Now I (Brittany) am a big lover of Shakespeare, like I
am a little bit obsessed (for anyone reading this who knows me personally…stop
laughing…yes Tiff I’m looking at you). Okay, I’ll admit it, not a little…a lot
obsessed… So when I heard we were delving into the world of Shakespeare my
heart gave a little smile. As Sam has previously explained what we did I shall
not bore you, but shall simply tell you: I LOVED THIS SESSION. It was wonderful
to explore Shakespeare in even more detail than at school, and I found a new
found love for Shakespeare’s work…or should I say an even greater love...
Now, we just thought we’d go the whole hog and attempt
to write a sonnet… So, hardly a thing of beauty, here it is:
A blog of wonders, happiness, delight
detailing the beauty of a yew tree
session, a special focus on the plight
of playwright Shakespeare who counts one two three
to aim for iambic pentameter
in speeches by lords and ladies on high
all this taught by our great educator
turning the bring into fun, surprise,
surprise, and then we sadly reach the end
of our Yew Tree session, farewell my friend.
Makes us grin every time…
So, just to finish off our little blog, I (Sam again)
just thought I’d just give a little tribute to Yew Tree Youth Music. I went to
my first session last week and I am officially in awe of what is a fantastic
group of people they are... I just think that it needed a mention… So, bye…
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