T'was the night before the show...

T’was the night before the show and all through the district
Performers were preparing, they’d decided to risk it.
Crimson had written on their costumes with care,
And Tiff had recovered from being told not to swear.
Gold were all nestled back home in their beds,
And visions of their play danced in their heads.
Both companies had rehearsed and made their work great,
Their plays were now happily in a perfect state.
Black company had rested, they’d done theirs on Thursday,
Some had made igloos on their surprise snow day.
But all now looked forward to the tech, dress and show
Where talent and artistry would surely flow.
The show must go on they had all decided,
Valour over pessimism had thankfully presided.
The snow in spring could not scupper their chances
Of performing at the theatre with talented dancers.
So their costumes were ready, their lines were primed
Their alarm clocks set and their journeys timed.
Their director’s words rang still loud in their ears,
Encouraging them on and allaying all fears,
As the last thing they’d said as they’d happily gone
Was that each and every one of them had brightly shone,
And would shine again tomorrow with an audience to see
Who would be so bowled over they’d clap with glee!

YTYT, make sure your costumes are sorted and you’re your routes planned.  Make your arrangements for food and bring plenty of water.  Finally may I recommend tonight a final glance over your script (Michael Brown of course can’t – he’d have needed to take it home with him) and an early night…sweet dreams and can’t wait to see you tomorrow….


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