Mel has written a blog about our Connections play from an actors experience

Well, it's the day after the Cathedral performances, which means we get a few days out of character before popping back into them for the NEW College performance on Wednesday. 
But yeah, it's been tough. Nobody can say it hasn't been.

It's the hardest play to perform that I've ever come across. We've taken it apart scene by scene, rehearsed it backwards (which is actually forwards in terms of events), we've researched and we've challenged ourselves. 

When I auditioned for Cyprus, I did it with the intention of being pushed and leaving my comfort zone, because for those who haven't seen it yet, me and Cyprus come from two completely different worlds. In fact, nearly all of the characters are from different worlds, unless you come from a coastal town where there is nothing: no future prospects, no jobs, no truly bonding friendships where everyone looks out for everyone, no acceptance for the people who dare to be different and a minority who manage to leave.

However, I managed it, we all did. It was a long and difficult process. Some of us crept into our characters, some of us made massive changes over night. Either way it doesn't matter because we made a show to be proud of. Why wouldn't we be? We've made the audience cry with the emotion we portrayed, we've made them laugh through sheer slackness, and we've put it out there. A story. Things that happen in real life that people dismiss because they don't like the thought of it.

I'm so proud to be a part of Connections. It's taken me four years to finally be here, but I'm glad it was this year. I loved the play from the word GO, the cast, the crew and our directors. Each person has made it what it was, and still is. 

What other companies do you get where ex-members come back from all over the country and are still impressed by the sheer quality of what we do?
There really is no place like Yew Tree


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