Hello people of Yew Tree! Brittany here, cornet-player, horror enthusiast and incredibly proud Sapphire member. I am here to impart my wisdom on the subject of Sapphire company’s frolic at playing Yew Tree Roulette. Now, this was only the second time I personally have played Yew Tree Roulette, the first time being in a smaller group. And it was fabulous. The first step was collecting cards, a nerve racking experience in itself. We were the last group to pick, meaning there were only two cards to pick from in each category, which led me to be fooled into believing that we, as a group, were at a disadvantage. How very wrong I was. Looking at our cards you could instantly see the joy on our groups face, such perfect cards with such possibility for creativity! Now, to keep you in the loop, we were basically given the genre of horror, with it to be set within to woods. As I mentioned before, I love horror, so this was perfect for me. We began by shouting ideas at each other, there were so many! We eventually got our ideas sorted, with a few surprises for the audience planned, and started running through. We got it close to perfect, having incorporated our ‘strange physical movement’ and the line required within our piece. Now was the time for performing. We were the last group to perform, so got to experience everyone else’s first. And boy was it an experience. The ideas that can come from little pieces of paper are extraordinary; people’s creativity leapt bounds and reached new highs! There was a wide range of genres and settings, not to mention the lines that were stealthily introduced, and twists that were all twisty in their nature. I personally loved every single piece, and I’m sure the large majority of Sapphire company would agree with me. So after all of this, we got to our performance. With anticipation of how the audience would react, most of us entered the stage. So we began, setting the scene for the rest of the piece. Then we shocked the audience. And ourselves. Because we hadn’t practiced this ‘shocker’ to its full, due to the impossibility of practicing turning out lights, we became rather shocked ourselves. But I think this added to our performance, as we were supposed to be in a horror, so surely being a bit shaken up would just add to our performance? I like to think so. So we finished our performance, with a few more shocks and ‘scary’ bits. And this marked the end of our Yew Tree Roulette session, which was quite sad really. This is because, I believe, it brings out the most creative spirit and amazing devised pieces. I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s session, but then again I enjoy all of them so…nothing new there. The exception this week was that I was able to exert my horror fascination upon the rest of the group 
So, that wraps up my long blog (for that I apologise) so, until next time, toodlepippingtons! 
Love Brittany x


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