Jess gives you an insight into Downton Abbey Day...

Well I am going to start by saying I am the worst possible person when I am tired and the weather is rancid... so when i woke up really tired and it was chucking it down I'm not going to lie, I did not want to get out of bed. To be honest I just assumed that 'Downtown Abbey Day' would be cancelled. I am so happy that it wasn't because it was such a good day! I really enjoying the parlour games which is great because I am not thee most enthusiastic games player at Yew Tree ha! Charades and Chinese Whispers were possibly my favourite games of Yew Tree this yearsmile Dressing up and acting on the stairs at Nostell was sooo good, and would not have been the same if the weather had meant us going to Sarah T's. There were some really interesting characters created that I would really like to see more of sometime, and the storylines we came up with combined with the house and grounds made it all seem real! I loved it me... smileLast thing... goodbye to everyone that is leaving for Uni we shall miss youuuuu frown!!


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