Beth blogged about yesterdays Lit Fest morning workshop...

So we spent yesterday at the wonderful Orangery…it was fun to explore it as I’ve never been there before…ask me why? I don’t actually know but anyway I enjoyed being part of it and the creative tasks were MINT…Although it was a bit hard coming up with a story but did we succeed.. erm YES…I think the Orangery has so much potential and the setting was just lovely…well not just lovely but you know...ha!

The cave thingy ma jig was a bit intense but I think that was the message and even worse when the trains went over the bridge ahahha HELLLL!  Anyway feel like I’m rambling...but if you do have chance to go and see the Orangery its grounds are fantastic and James is a lovely person to meet too, all in all LOVELY!!!

And so did Katie

Well, today was my first ever session at the Orangery. Its weird to think I've never even heard of it before until I came today. Its just such a calm little haven almost apart from the rest of its industrial surroundings. Ok, I'm gonna stop sounding all poetic now,ha! In short I really liked being there.

Anyways I decided to say for both sessions because I enjoyed the workshops so much. There was such a contrast between the am and pm, but that gave you a chance to look at two parts of the lit fest. Plus, it was really nice to get to meet the poet James. I must say my favourite part of the whole day was going into those hole in the wall/cave/tunnel thingys. Especially when everyone ran out screaming when the train went past haha. Well, I've babbled on enough so I'll end now. Just go visit the Orangery if you haven't been before and you'll know what I'm on about!


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