Dee blogs about her final Gold session...

So today was my last gold company session, safe to say I'm having a funami been there since i was fifteen and a wag wannabe havnt i? (good god) thank god yewtree changed my ambitions ha and now I'm on route to turning 21 yeahhh I know it's hard to believe - seething! - but tbf i dont look/act that ancient soooo sarah i can stay? ( yeah ive tried that one one too doesn't work  ) well fuming . if my mum decided to have me just a tiny year later I could have stayed at gold been a pretty likkle fairy or princess but but nope I'm on my way to been a granny and having to leave arnt I. Hell . Anywayyyyyyy On a positive and a more 'dee shush stop sulking' and talk about yewtree note ha..I'm gonna miss having a reason to get up on a Saturday morning , golds always been my favourite company it's more playful and family ish and Just generally full of such a wide range of people that slot together like chocolate spread. Ha gosh I have laughed till I've cried far too many times to remember, including today its just a feel good company that's a great way to kick start your weekend I'll miss it  but aww Cinderella too! As if I cant be in it it's gonna be soooo good I am unbelievably Jel of all you cheeky 14 - 19 year olds that get to be in it so looking forward to seeing it ya devils best rap this up as i need to go make a cuppa , but yeahhhh yewtree saturday mornings for Dorrinda west 06-12 rip. paha hugs and kisses 2k12 xxx


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