3 plays...at once...oh yes...

Three scripts all at the same time – a little ambitious – maybe – definitely…however it appears it’s doable…maybe…definitely…Aladdin is finished apart from the inevitable glitches that will make themselves known at the read through…so that’s one…Vision is almost there…I’m just waiting to see if any of the cast has a flash of inspiration today before I sign it over to the actors for line learning…so that’s two…Once that is done I’m left with Cinderella to finish off…it’s all a bit dicey at the moment, she’s just left the ball in a hurry so I need to focus on her as soon as possible so she can live happily ever after with her Prince…and then that will be three…

The only way that such prolific writing is possible is due to the input of the companies the plays are for.  I couldn’t come up with all the ideas needed to make three plays interesting on my own but because I’m working with such creative generous actors I don’t need to.  I’m inspired by the original ideas you all come up with in workshops…even the ridiculous things…who wouldn’t be inspired by Ash’s dancing…then you encourage me to keep writing with your online interest…asking to look at drafts…letting me know your favourite moments, expressing how much you’re enjoying reading them and equally importantly helping me polish and perfect by being my proof readers – spotting the inaccuracies and contradictions, the spelling mistakes and the wrongly allocated lines. 

Last night as soon as I came back to the theatre I spent an hour on the two that are almost complete…where did I get the motivation?  From the numerous messages I’d got while I was out asking for copies of the play and querying things that weren’t clear or suggesting improvements…it’s utterly invaluable.  Jess brilliantly spotting an inconsistency in Vision that would have irritated me immensely if we hadn’t realised before we went into rehearsals, Michael was asking for the most recent copies of Aladdin and Vision late into the evening so he could see where we were up to are just two examples…All of this interest, commitment and input makes the implausible task of writing three plays at once a distinct possibility.

I hope you find the process as interesting and creatively fulfilling as I do…and if you’re not one of the company that has previously got involved with this aspect of YTYT maybe next time eh?  The more voices and input the richer the final product…

*whispers* As a final note…there is however the distinct possibility that it might be having an adverse response…I spent all last night dreaming about having to solve an impossible writing conundrum for a script that didn’t make any sense but that needed to be finished urgently…ah well I’ll try not to worry too much about that… 


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