Taking the Moment...

I am both very happy and very sad as I sit in my chair this evening…Happy because both Journey to X and Encounters have been a success, happy because all the hard work everyone has invested in them has paid off, happy because so many people generously took time out of their lives and travelled a ridiculous distance to come and see them and happy because the amount of lovely things that have been said about our work are enough to overcome any amount of fatigue.  It’s been a brilliant week, hard work but brilliant.

However I’ve also got post show sadness and because both Encounters and Journey to X are over it’s double the sadness.  I shall miss so much about both the shows.  It’s like finishing an excellent book…I feel I know both sets of characters so well they’ve become familiar friends and now I have to live without them, at least for a while.

So I’ve decided that I’m going to take tonight to wallow in that, wallow and appreciate it.  There’s a danger in life that we don’t take a moment to recognise our achievements and experiences, that we move on so quickly we forget to give ourselves permission to have a reaction and if that’s the case we miss the richness that life is offering.  After such a rich week I’d like to take more than an evening but an evening is all I can have so that’s what I’m taking…I hope you do to…you do so much…you do so well…take the moment (or the evening) to be proud of yourself…


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