I realised I hadn't put up this weeks Higher Education blog...sorry this one's by:

Caroline Collier
University of Nottingham 2006 – 2009
English Studies (Theatre Studies, English Literature, English Language and Medieval Studies)

I really enjoyed my course at University. I wanted a course that was diverse and with which I could explore English and Drama in more depth. Each section was weighted equally; there wasn’t more emphasis put on literature about the other 3 areas. I found that, to my surprise, language was my strong point and now I’m living in Italy as an English Language Teacher! 

I didn’t want to do a straight Drama degree so this course was perfect for me. The Theatre aspect of the course involved some performance but also analysis of scripts and live theatre. In the third year you had more freedom about what you studied; in each area you could pick a few modules. For Theatre Studies my modules were 20th century plays and Riotous Performance but for English Language I was studying Language Development. I loved the diversity yet specialism of the English Studies course.

With whichever subject you choose to specialise in at University there are always other opportunities to continue with Drama. I directed a play with the University Theatre Company in my second year. This was an incredible experience where I was given a budget, a performance space and people auditioned to be part of the play. I also worked as an Usher at the local Arts Centre and so I was able to be paid to watch amazing performances from all around the world. 

Above all, have fun and make the most of University; those three years go unbelievable quickly! Good luck with the applications.


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