Rhiann Blogs with a Journey to X update...

In less than a month, we’ll perform Journey To X (crazy or what?!). So with all this pressure, we’ve made so much progress since the last time someone blogged about Connections, and we’ve come so far with the whole piece.

This is my second year of Connections and this year, I’ve learnt so many new way of acting and building my character up – since my character, Sarah, is the one who says things at inappropriate times as you’ll see. One of the big things I’ve learnt is to never compare a character you’re playing to one in the past that you’ve played since they are all unique and this has made me see that Sarah is totally different to Lilly who I played in Shooting Truth so I had to stop comparing them. I’ve learned to make sure that you don’t drop lines, even the really small ones since they can hint at massive parts of the story and relationships between the characters such as how Sarah makes other characters feel and how she reacts. Another thing I have learnt from this play is how to deal with subjects that are very delicate as I have never acted in a play which is based around these topics so it was a big jump for me, yet I’ve picked up how to treat it and understand the context which we help me if I ever have to take part in a play around these subjects again. I’ve realised also that my character relates to people in my life too but also Sarah’s 14 which makes it less than a year ago that I would have been like her with the characteristics. 

So that’s my views on Connections 2k12 so far but it’s not the end since after the performances at Cathedral (which I’m hoping you’ll all come to so you can cheer us on!), we have Kendal which is really exciting! And one last thing, I’ve loved every minute of it so far and I hope you’re all as excited as we are for Journey To X to be shown.
Bye for now lovelies! xo


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